Tuesday 15 May 2012

Wood Chip by the Truck Load.

As it was before.

Last Friday saw us in the sunshine (making the most of it while it was there) loading barrow loads of wood chippings from where our very nice Mr Tree Surgeon had emptied his little pick up truck at the front of the house.  Our landlord had given us a phone number of a contact of his who had loads of wood chippings to sell on a 'when I have it you can buy it basis'.

After an hours weeding 8 buckets full of pesky weeds were carried to the compost bins and we set about covering the membrane.

This huge pile was the first load, as it had been tipped in exactly the place the guys needed to get to the next day to work on the posh garage again, we had to shift as much as we could in one go.

We started with smiles on our faces and ended up with cricks in our backs.  LH's metal barrow and my orange plastic one, backwards and forwards passing each other over and over, digging, filling, tipping, the pattern was repeated until we were in a daze.

As it is now.

But we have tro admit it was worth it, the plants in the large flower bed (mostly my lavenders) look so much better set off against the natural wood chippings with the little bits of conifer and leaf sprinkled in.

A sea of wood chippings.

A lovely old roller we found in the undergrowth, propped up against the swing.

The dogs did a lot of walking following us back and forth, amazed at what we were doing.

Some thought they were hidden......but we can see you Rosy!!

We soaked in lovely deep, hot bubble baths afterwards, we needed to, we looked lilke a pair of hunchbacks, and then a couple of cans of cider made the world seem a much more relaxing place.

Job done!!

The bl**dy nice man's been back and delivered two more mountains of the stuff since then, we have to transport them to the Kitchen Garden to hide all the membrane.  It's a big area approximately 12m by 8m according to Lovely Hubby's giant stride method of measuring.  This time I'm hoping to do a couple of barrow loads here and there and take it steady, I like my back best when it's straight and pain free!!

Sue xx


  1. Phew! What a busy time but, worth it in the end.
    Hope both of your backs' are holding up!

    Sandie xx

  2. GROAN...I've done that with topsoil, wood chips, cocoa mulch,turf over the years. I don't envy you!
    Jane x

  3. Well done to you both, I want to do some digging, dig up some of the lawn to have a little more room for shrubs.

    I also need to do some weeding as mares tails seem to have moved in with a vengeanance.

  4. We have tons of wood chips from our silver maple stump that got ground down that I wanted to use in the flower beds, then our handyman/landscaper said not to do it because it would have bugs. So instead, I am stuck looking at a big pile for now. I don't know if the bug thing is true or not -- just disappointed we won't be using the chips!

    You could use a hot tub in that backyard of yours, especially after doing all that work!

  5. and for free? if so, I like the price xx the garden is looking wonderful xx

  6. Wow 1 That looks great & worth the effort.

    I had the reverse - raking up a lawnful of woodchip put down when the hens had destroyed the grass....we put it in a huge sack & a year later had the most wonderful compost !

    Now the garden is seeded with grass again- one big circle come round !


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