The prettiness is the lovely pot of flowers above, I'm not sure what they're called but they make me smile each and every time I step in the polytunnel.

And the promises........the first sight of the next crop of salad leaves, showing their pretty little faces just 3 days after sowing. That's the beauty of these later
sowings, the warmth of the sun and the long, long days makes everything so quick to react and grow.
And now for something completely different........I've just got an award from the lovely Penny at
The Hen House .#
The first part of the rules is to thank the giver, well that goes without saying - but THANK YOU Penny for the award and for giving me a nice few minutes each day reading your wonderful Blog. You've been through a lot just recently and yet still you bounce back and make us all laugh........or think!!
The next part is to tell you 9 things about myself that you don't already know!!
1. I'm stubborn and forthright, I speak my mind and am just myself through and through, there are no airs and graces, if you don't like it....lump it!!
2. By order of my Mum (who phoned during the course of this post), I am resilient, I bounce back and I am a wonderful woman!! (She doesn't drink much....honest!!)
3. My hair is never the same colour all year, I have been every shade of brown, every shade of red and am currently blonde. The only colour I have never been (yet) is grey, much to my brothers' annoyance, he went grey at about twenty.
4. I left school at 16 with 1 ULCI (typing qualification), 1 O Level and 9 CSEs. there that shows my age. I now have a ECDL (computer qualification) and loads of retail qualifications in Visual Merchandising, Health and Safety and the Management of People. (It means I can visually merchandise my polytunnel to it's best effect.....see, I knew it would come in handy.)
5. My first job was at Boots the Chemist, stacking the hair products and working on the till, I earnt £14 in my first ever pay packet.
6. My occupation now is officially Company Director/Smallholder. In the words of Victor Kyam...........I liked the product so much I bought the company!!
7. My first marriage lasted 26 years, some of it good, some of it bad, but all of it a learning curve and an experience that has shaped the person I am. So, no hard feelings Pete!!
8. I can't swim, but I was told once by a psychic that I would never drown, so I'm okay!!
9. There is no nine, until you ask it, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW?
The final rule is to pass this on to nine other people who's Blogs you admire, well look in my sidebar there are more than nine, each and every one I admire, I follow lots of others that are listed on my dashboard, about 30 in all. If you would like to take up this award please do so, but let me know so I can call by for a nosy!!
Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend, as I type it is raining (of course) but I'll be dry in my polytunnel, so it's happy planting for me.
Sue xx