Friday 14 May 2010

Polytunnel Planting

In this bed - on the left, peas around the back with my Grape Vine in the very corner and then carrots in front and in the right, lower bed, tomatoes at the back with courgettes, peas and poached egg plants around the edges and a tiny section of French Marigolds in the top righthand corner as companion planting for the tomatoes (keeps the black flies off).
As you can see I like to get a lot into a small space.
Today after a mad dash around getting the car MOT'd and various other shopping I am back on the farm and about to get back into my now regular workplace, the poly tunnel.
On the agenda today is potting on the peppers and celery. I am also about to re-do the herb bed, planting them instead into a pot style planter to leave me with a bit more bed space for other crops.
Everything is coming on well and we are steadily working our way through lots of lovely mixed leaves and lettuces. Indeed, we have so many lettuces that we are taking a crop to the Car Boot sale on Sunday along with the cabbage plants and the eggs.
Oh, well back to work. Have a good day whatever you are up to.
Sue xx


  1. Polytunnel is looking good. Hope you do well at the car booty. xx

  2. looks great.
    Your comment acout wining a competition prize & thinking maybe no one else entered made me laugh. When ever Hubby wins a race I ask if there was anyone else in it ( mean )
    It's like being very pleased with yourself for getting a new job & then realising you were the only applicant !

  3. Bad Penny recommended this blog.....I think I may learn a thing or two from you.


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