Friday 7 May 2010

Success and failure......

Yesterday was a mixed day, the bed I planted out on Wednesday was finished and looks promising it's full to capacity really, it may look slightly spacious at the moment but once things get growing that will change.
I managed to fit in (alongside the established flowers in the front left corner, a Goji Berry bush, 18 Pea plants the established strawberry tub with 14 new strawberry plants in the ground, three Blueberry bushes (thank you Mum and Dad), my big bunch of chives, two curry plants, the Bluebells that were there previously and the main reason for this bed, the three Rhubarb plants that this year will feed us and NOT the chickens. All planted through membrane to discourage the weeds from showing their nasty little faces, with a top covering of bark chips to aid water retention and to make it all look prettier.
However, in this 'Good Life' you never get a success without a failure being a step away.

Decimation in the Cabbage Patch.

A chicken found it's' way into my little Golden Cabbage bed and within the space of a few minutes ate the lot. It's a shame, the little cabbages were just acclimatised to the great outdoors and growing away nicely, now I have to go and start again, plant the seeds and see if I can make up for lost time.
Todays job (after planting the cabbages....again) is to plant up lots of the seedlings in the polytunnel into bigger pots or into their final beds, one of the new available beds is shown above, and all chicken proof I hope!!
Sue xx


  1. hi- just found your blog and love it!
    So sorry about the chickens devouring your hard work- sometimes I have to refer to ours as "forgiveable menaces"
    Hope the next lot of cabbages grow well :)

  2. I can see you've been working hard in the garden and those dratted chickens can be bloomin unstoppable once they get into to their heads to attack a veg bed.
    I'm hoping to do some veg of my own this year so thanks for the inspiration :-)

  3. Sorry to hear about your cabbages :(
    It seems like the chickens do quite a bit of damage! But I bet those fresh free-range eggs make it seem worth it (most of the time).

  4. Oh No ! This is what I'm dreading Sue ( are you actually allowed to smack a chicken's bottom ?)

  5. Good for you for picking yourself up and not being too downhearted about your cabbages. We are begin our planting.... well, our early potatoes are in the ground, our main crop potatoes will be soon, and our veg will be going into the plot over the next week or two.
    Love your blog..... and love growing our own veg too! Isn't it fantastic.
    Love, Anne, in the islands of Scotland, where the weather is not as helpful to our poor plants as yours, but still.... we persevere! x


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