Sunday 23 May 2010


Little Lovely - a survivor.
At bedtime last night we managed to get back together fourteen of our thirty girls. We have lost 2 White Stars (Cappachino and Milly), 1 Welsummer (Coco), 5 Speckledys and 8 Red Girls.
So of our original 30 we have left 5 Speckledys, 4 Reds, 3 White Stars (Molly, Little Lovely and Jemima) and 2 Welsummers (Fudge and Bourneville).
They are now all living temporarily during the day in the old chicken enclosure and coming out at night under supervision to go back to their house. This will continue until the electric poultry fencing arrives. The new girls are confined to the other chicken house until then too, it's not a perfect solution but a safe one. 13 of them in a house designed for 24 gives them enough room to cope for a couple of days.
The Lavender Pekin Bantams have been safe all the time in their Eglu, and are now sharing it temporarily with the 2 new New Hampshire Reds, who at just 6 weeks old were being bullied by the new big girls. At least they are the same size as the bantams at the moment.
Life here on the farm is subdued but going on. The pigs (thanks to Butch) have discovered a liking for jam doughnuts!! They are all currently basking, with full tummys in their various mud wallows in the orchard enjoying this lovely sunshine. I'm off to the polytunnel to give everything a drink before it gets too hot in there and Lovely Hubby is busily constructing his worm beds, ready for the arrival next week of the main bulk of our worm empire.
Thank you SO much for all your words of sympathy left yesterday either in the form of comments or the numerous private emails I have had from lovely blogging pals. It helps when folk understand.
Have a lovely day.
Sue xx


  1. Oh I don't know if I could handle that. I'm sorry for your sad day yesterday.
    Hope you have a better Sunday.

  2. What an awful weekend you've had. So sorry to hear about your ladies, but at least some were, thankfully, spared. Hope you at least enjoy the lovely weather today.
    Jak x

  3. We have six chicken ladies here on our farm and they are all good friends so we can completely understand the sadness and horror of such a loss. My lady has gone kind of nuts around here to keep them safe and they not only have picket fence and a dog kennel and a nice house but also pheasant netting over the top of their run and outdoor area due to the very smart hawks that we have around here. Many goat kisses to you and your family.

  4. I dread Monsieur Renard (or Madame) visiting here. Glad to hear not all your chickens were killed and hope you can keep the others safe.

    Rosie x

  5. I learning that 'chicken' people are a very resilient bunch.....they don't give up. Good that you are 'getting back on your feet' and forging ahead.

  6. Oh dear Sue! I hadn't read your Saturday post and didn't know what had happened. I am so sorry for pain you felt upon returning home ... yes, country life has it's downs ~ but I know the ups are the best. Sending love your way ..

  7. To lose 16 out of 30 is a terrible loss. Would foxes take so many, or could it have been feral dogs maybe?

  8. Oh Sue, I've just been catching up with your blog, and I'm so sorry about your chickens. We only had 2, but everynight I was so rigid about closing the run on the Eglu, and sometimes I'd get up in the morning and rememebered I hadn't, and my heart would be in my mouth! : (((( Karen x

  9. Sue, I am so sorry! You poor people!
    To have lost all your chickens in such a way must have been horrendous! You have my sympathy my lovely bloggy friends.
    And to add naughty Betty on top of your loss!
    Things will pick up...
    Sending you love and best wishes (and fingers crossed for Betty...) x

  10. Sorry to hear you have lost so many all in one go. Daytime foxes are a real pain, never forget when all our dogs were barking and there was one in the paddock making off with a hen. I set the dogs on it.

    Hope the fencing arrives soon

  11. Mr Fox (and he is a big, boy fox) called again today but we were ready for him, the dogs chased him off and the girls were all safe in their old enclosure.

    Little Rosy has been a star, on full alert all day. The slightest noise from the birds and she dashes out barking at the top of her little voice.

    Thanks again for all the comments.

    Sue xx

    Sue xx

  12. How gorgeous it all looks Sue - and I love spinach too! x


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