Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Settling in......
Monday, 25 October 2010
Meet Tinka, Tayla and Gypsey........
Friday, 22 October 2010
Beauty in the Frost
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Brrrr.......a bit nippy!!
We woke this morning to a preview of Winter. There were no animal or bird noises to disturb the icy cold stillness of the farm. As the sun came over the horizon I decided that it was time to start the morning chores. ~
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Red Kites in the Veggie Bed!!

Now we always smile when it's announced on television or when we read in magazines how rare these are, and indeed they are, but here on the farm we see them everyday. Flying solo or in pairs, hunting. Sometimes in larger groups, soaring and riding the air currents. Watching them is mesmorising, the control they show when flying using their large tail as a rudder and changing direction as though they are having SO much fun.
The chickens see them as a threat and there is usually a warning call from the cockerels as soon as one comes into view, the hens all stand watching the danger in the sky and then gradually go back about their busy day of pecking in the grass and unearthing the bugs and worms. The cockerels stay alert, ready to defend their women folk from an attack.
Only once have we lost a hen to a Red Kite, an extremely rare occurence, but when we mentioned it to a visitor to the farm, not an unheard of one. She wasn't carried away, maybe she was a touch too heavy but she was killed instantly by the sharp beak.
Beauty and danger, magificence in nature.
Sue xx
( Pictures taken from the web.)
Monday, 18 October 2010
Almost back......
Friday, 15 October 2010
Farewell...goodbye and see you soon....hopefully!!
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Scenes from the Farm
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
The Year of the Squash
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
A Misty Morning
By the end of our doggie walk, the sun had warmed the branches of the trees, and the lovely red berries were glistening in its warmth, inviting the birds to breakfast. When I got back to the house, I did my bit for our feathered friends, and filled all our bird feeders with fat balls, wild seeds and peanuts. Within minutes there were two Finches tucking into the fat balls.
Later I must go out and put some fresh water in the bird bath, but for now they have the moisture that lingers all around in the puddles on the ground and the dips in the earth to wash down their breakfast.
Sue xx
Monday, 11 October 2010
Wow....what a weekend!!
Of course little Rosy had to come with me to help feed the pigs this morning and check out the new living accommodation. We have given them two arks now as they are growing quickly and although four in a row in one ark is cosy, (and very cute), they will need more space very soon.
Other jobs done this weekend....a very necessary mornings shopping done by me on Friday while LH was fencing, the complete clean out of all the pig arks, so the Middle Whites could move into the Large Blacks old pen, (it's the biggest one), a tidy up of the polytunnel, and at last we managed to get the grass cut, it was still a bit wet so we will give it another final tidy next week after we get the replacement parts for our broken strimmer, then we will be really tidy!
Oh, and on top of all that we had a very successful morning at the Farmers Market yesterday, selling lots of lavender goodies and all of our eggs. And somehow I got us roped in to help with the painting of the inside of the Village Hall later this month. Me and my big mouth!!
My next task is to do a bit of research about the next couple of animals we're buying. Lovely Hubby has given me the go-ahead, (I do like it when it's sweet talking involved!). I can't wait....they're GORGEOUS!! I promise you there will be LOADS of pictures.
Sue xx