Saturday 19 May 2012

Herbs in Sinks

Herbs in the sinks.......

.......tasty and close to the back door, so we can pick them when we're cooking.  Fresh and alive and full of flavour.

My favourite - well that has to be Rosemary, I love it even more than Lavender (which is also a herb) and that's praise indeed coming from the 'Lavender Lady' as I was known at the Farmers Market!!

Sue xx.


  1. Beautiful, I love rosemary too. I can't go past a patch without running my fingers through it for the scent or snapping a bit off to keep in my pocket.

  2. They look wonderful - I bet they smell great too xx

  3. Oh, I am envious of that beautiful sink of herbs!!! Lavender is my all time favorite, and as one of the other commentors mentioned, I cannot go by Rosemary, either, without petting it. Lol!

  4. What a great idea! We rescued 2 old belfast sinks which have langusihed in the garage ever since. Youo have inspired me to get them out and grow our herbs in them.

  5. Rosemary is one of my favorites too, well and thyme. DH loves them laid on top of roasting potatoes. So yummy. Your garden is looking so lovely. All that hard work is paying off.

  6. My Rosemary bush is nearly dead - just a few healthy looking branches. I love it too. Was at a lovely cafe this morning which had large wooden barrels of herbs & pots of herbs on the tables - lovely.

  7. Anyone that loves to cook will keep herbs close by. I have a bay tree in a large pot I often pinch some leaves from to put in my curries. Rosemary and sage are my other favourites.

  8. I love the sink and your herbs look so healthy! I just surveyed mine today and my lavender is just barely hanging on--But maybe it'll recover!

  9. for some reason I simply cannot grow rosemary. Everything else grows rampant, but rosemary dies after a short while...maybe it gets fed-up with being petted so much!

  10. Everytime I walk past our rosemary bush I have to pick a sprig to smell - delightful! (I also do the same to lavendar & sage!)

  11. Hi Sue..not sure if all of this is still relevant. But I found you when I too was about to plant a herb 'mini garden' in our two sinks outside our kitchen did you line the sinks and what soil/compost did you use..any stones in there? Did you raise the sink off the ground? How is it looking/working now?

    1. The sinks weren't lined, a few handfuls of stones were in the bottom, especially round the plug hole area (plug obviously not in) then two thirds filled with a mixture of compost and soil. They were raised off the ground by sitting them on bricks, slightly higher at the non-plug end so they drained easily. The herbs did really well in there 😊


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