Sunday 27 May 2012

Time Off

This morning we're having the morning off.  There's a local Show of some kind we don't know what it is, we just saw it advertised by the side of the road.  We're guessing some kind of village fete type thing but on a larger scale. We like to support local things, so if we want to know what it's like we have to go, so we are!!

When we get back I may do a bit of the above but if the sun continues to shine, I may just sit on the patio under the parasol and have the afternoon off as well.

The beauty of being your own boss is taking time off to smell the roses.....or drink the ice cold sparkling water whilst reading a good book on a hot day.

Have a good day everyone....what are you up too?

It turned out to be The Berkshire Country Fayre, lots of big marquees with competitions for the Young Farmers, Wellie Wanging, Hawk Flying, a good sized fairground, Helicopter Flights for the brave, and lots and lots of food, in the tents, in vans, food everywhere, but we resisted temptation, luckily we had set off straight after our lovely big cooked breakfast, so it wasn't too difficult.  We were drooling at the icecreams that kept being wafted past us by everyone, so we caved, nope not a big icecream with a chocolate flake that would have broke our Phase 1 of the diet, we settled for an orange ice lolly each, and felt very refreshed and virtuous after eating it.  A good couple of hours, in good company and lovely sunshine.

Sue xx


  1. OOhh i love local fete's a good place to meet new folks and like minded growers too...yes its too hot to do much going to sit in shede with tots and do abit of reading..thats me being read to lol..enjoy the sun

  2. I tried to work in the garden but it is just too hot so I am going to sit and spin or crochet in the sun instead.

  3. I agree = far too hot to garden, as my blog shows. I do love fetes though. Thanks for all your comments and encouragement Sue xx

  4. Well done on avoiding the ice cream - I would have caved!

  5. sounds like a good day out. Maybe next year you'll be entering into some of the home grown produce contests??
    hope the sun is continuing to shine on you and your crops
    Sarah xx

  6. A day off is always good, especially if you use it to go somewhere nice. We took the day off and went to the seaside yesterday, but then it was our wedding anniversary.

    Enjoy being outside in this weather for as long as it lasts, Sue.

    Regards, Sooze xx


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