Sunday 5 June 2011


I took this photo because it looked so staged, yet it wasn't.  I had just put my wellies in front of the herbs while they dried after feeding the pigs, next time I stepped out to do something on the patio I thought 'that looks good', so I just had to go and grab my camera.  See...a true Blogger!!
This morning we had a very successful time at the Car Boot sale managing to sell ALL our eggs, a grand total of  30.5 dozen and lots of Red and Green Basil plants that I have successully managed to grow this year (a first for me).  I have just fed and watered the chickens for the second time today, they are being greedy little so and so's but when they produce so well and make us so much money I mustn't grumble!
Now I am getting my head around the Challenge which starts in the morning.  My little purse is full of pound coins and we've been taking bets on how long it will last, Lovely Hubby says three or four weeks, I say six, we'll see who's nearest.
The Elderflower Cordial is absolutely delicious, I have now put a second batch together as well as a large bucket of Elderflower Champagne (almost the same recipe), so we will have lots to keep us going.  We can't afford to buy alcohol while this Challenge is going on (well we could but the money wouldn't last very long that way!) so this Cordial and possibly the Champagne will substitute very nicely.
Sue xx


  1. Looking at things through a Bloggers' eye ! It happens. Good luck with the champers sounds delish !

  2. Hi
    We've just picked our eiderflower and are storing them in the fridge. Is that ok?

    Sft x

  3. Can't wait to follow you on another challenge.

    We'll be making our cordial tomorrow.


  4. I am going to have a go at the elderflower cordial next weekend, thanks for sharing. How would you do the champagne? if you don't mind me asking - oh and if it helps at all I have enquired and most chemists sell the citric acid in 50g sachets for £1.34. Bettyx

  5. Thanks for the comments, lovely to hear from you all.

    I've never tried storing the flower heads in the fridge Sft, so you'll have to see how they react, get them to room temperature before you use them though.

    I got my Citric Acid from the phamacy counter at Tesco in the end and yes it's in 50g boxes, thanks for finding out Betty. I'll post the Elderflower Champagne recipe in the next couple of days.

    Sue xx

  6. Great photo, sounds like the girls are laying alot of eggs for you, never so no to a little chaampagne :)

  7. I love natural photo's sometimes things can be too staged and it looses the essence if you know what i mean.


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