Tuesday 14 June 2011

Healthy Breakfasts

Our strawberries are wonderful we are adding them to desserts and breakfasts and enjoying every single one.  Any that are left over each day get popped into the freezer, and at the end of Strawberry season I will make another batch of Strawberry Conserve to make the flavour of Summer last even longer.
I was sent this wonderful info-graphic a couple of days ago and thought you might like a peek.  It shows just how much more we are growing for ourselves in this country now, I bet the figures are even higher actually.  I hope the link works it's a brilliant graphic.
A Brilliant  Info-Graphic -  NO LONGER AVAILABLE  sorry!!
Sue xx


  1. I'm just teaking a break from sorting strawberries right now! About twelve pounds or more in the freezer so far

  2. Wow that is pretty impressive. I much prefer eating food I know is homegrown or homemade, it always seems to taste so much nicer : ) xxx

  3. We have about 30 blackcurrants ripening on the bushes right now.....even that amount makes me excited...sad little person that I am!!
    Jane x

  4. What about strawberry coulis? It can be frozen too and can be enjoyed any time later with desserts or yoghurts! It brings a touch of summer during winter, even if nothing can replace fresh fruit! :)

  5. Hi Sue I'm a new Blogger and I'm coming across some great sites by like-minded people. Ive signed up to follow and look forward to hearing your news.
    Leanne - NunneryFarm

  6. This is the perfect time of year for all of us to incorporate fruit into our meals .... yea!!!

  7. Not much growing here at the moment to cold.

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    Sue xx


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