Sunday 13 April 2014

Pesky Birds

A couple of weeks ago just as they finished flowering we moved all the Snowdrops from the end of the drive to a more permanent place, ready for when we alter the splay of the drive as the bank of earth they have been in for years will be moved.  As this isn't happening for a while, we need planning permission to do all the work we are doing at the same time, I decided to pop a bit of colour into the now empty bed.
I carefully alternated yellow, blue, red, and pink Primulas that I had picked up from B&Q at half price all along the bed and it looked really colourful.

With a couple of yellow ones left over I thought I would add them to these Daffodils in the rocky bank on the opposite side ...

... it looked simple but nice and fresh.
Now the pesky birds have been and eaten ALL the  yellow flowers, leaving just the other colours.  I'm not happy at all.  :-(
I'll be back tomorrow with some photos of what we have been up too this weekend and it involves NO yellow flowers for birds to pinch!!
Sue xx


  1. They eat all our yellow crocus every year Sue!

  2. As much as we love having birds around, they are not too appreciative of their daily feedings. Ours like to poop on our car. :( Here in Ontario there are no crocuses to be seen yet. We are very behind in our Spring and expecting snow on Tuesday. Deb

  3. Chipmunks always eat the flowers off the pansy plants..nice of us to leave fresh salad for the critters!
    Jane x

  4. You can't win Sue. There are some birds, one in particular who shall remain nameless, that specialise in white and blue..

  5. Aw, such a pity - that was really pretty.

    But, when something like this happens, I always console myself that Mother Nature knows what's best...

  6. I feel for you. I bought and planted pansies in a container next to the back porch.
    Looked out this morn and the bantam chicken at all the flowers off them ~ argh.
    Our Bantams do that until Spring gets in full swing then they find more interest in the bugs ( of course I had forgotten this same experience happens EVERY year ).

  7. Oh all that hard work. We gave up on pretty flowers in the garden as the German Shepherd put kept pulling them out and bringing them back in the house as gifts lol x

  8. Sorry, but I just had to smile........count your blessings, at least you don't have rabbits in the garden :(

    1. Hahaha ... are you joking!! We live on a Welsh hillside we have HUNDREDS of rabbits :-(

  9. Naughty birds! Such a shame as they looked lovely.

    X x

  10. Little blighters. Once they start doing that, they do it every year, drat them

    1. I know at least I know now to avoid anything yellow, once the daffs are gone it will be red blue and white on our land :-)

  11. I wonder if it's the smell, taste or just the colour they are attracted to? Or something missing in their diet? Or just bloody-mindedness!!!

    What a shame!


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