Sunday 20 April 2014

Live Below the Line - Version Three

Coffee 50p
This is the version I call my 'Fruit and Veg' Live Below the Line.  It is possible, just, to be able to incorporate more fruit and veg into your Challenge if you shop wisely.  The supermarkets with the 'weigh and sticker' your own veggies are the easiest ones to shop at for this.  Although now it is possible, if they are quiet, to weigh and definitely price your loose fruit and veggies on the self service tills, that most supermarkets have.
Of course you could also go to a local market, late in the day would be good when they are about to pack up, and explain what you are doing to the greengrocer and see what bargains there might be to be had.
Brown Bread 50p

Peanut Butter 62p

But anyway using one supermarket (again the big orange one) this is what I found I could do with my basic £5 shopping money to keep myself fed for the week.  In fact this little lot comes to just £4.12, leaving a whole 88p left to play with to buy some more fruit or veg, or  maybe some yogurts to have with your lunch time fruit, the choice is yours.

2 Apples for 40p

3 Bananas for 30p
So the basic menu is :
Breakfast - Coffee, and Toast with Peanut Butter
Lunch - A piece of fruit (alternate each day)
Tea - Vegetable Curry and Rice
(The curry could be made with all the ingredients at the start of the week to save time and then frozen in individual portions for each evening.)
2 x 26p Jars of Curry Sauce = 52p

1kg Mixed Vegetables 75p

1 Onion 13p

1 kg Rice 40p
Just another set of ideas to see if I can tempt you to take part in this years Challenge.
To find out more about this Challenge have a look at the Live Below the Line website.
Or to donate to my fundraising page go HERE.
(I can't get my photo to download, but this is my page.)
Thank you.
Sue xx


  1. I think I would spend 60p of the leftover money on a couple of tins of basic kidney beans to add to the curry for extra protein & bulk. Great plan though!

  2. Hi Sue, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  3. I find Aldi great for affordable fruit and veg. Would struggle without them to keep the the whole family going as we all love fruit and veg. Love your commonsense approach and blog.
    The own brand value stuff can be absolutely fine we find. I was a bit miffed that a food bank locally said that it wanted "branded quality products" only, as I feel if I am feeding my family the value products and feel they are fine that I should be able to buy a few extra items and donate to another family who would be glad of them too. I can't afford to donate food that I can't buy for our family. Will have a look at the Challenge website.


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