Friday 29 January 2010

Thoughts About Planting..........

The only planting I've done recently!!
Thoughts about planting are on my mind most of the time now. (Thanks Max, I know you can already do yours.....sob..sob..!!)
Six of the nine at the back of the house, four of which will be potatoes and the others for salad crops.
We need to sit down and plan what is going where this year. We will have nine new raised beds at the back of the house soon. Six have been constructed and three are all cut out and waiting to be assembled, once our lovely manure filled puddle has drained away slightly. On a plus note, from this puddle we are scooping out buckets of the water to use as a feed on the polytunnel plants, well diluted of course, (mmmm.....smelly horse poo water just what every girl wants!!).

The tyres we tried out last year, (brilliant idea), are going to be used for our carrot crop this year. The carrots we got out of two of them last year were delicious and grew so straight and strong, so it's worth another go.

Potatoes last year.

Of the raised beds we had in place last year three are already planted out , two with onions, red and white, and one with a selection of lavender plants. The two smaller raised beds, that are currently resting (good name that for neglected), will most likely be used for a selection of squashes.

I need to sit and draw out my polytunnel plan soon. Firstly, (soon) it will be used to get an early start by planting all the seeds in trays and pots ready to go outside in all the other places. Then later it will be planted up with my lemons, limes, herbs, and more delicate things and of course tomatoes will be in there again.

The climbing frame and swing frame will again be used for growing climbing plants, possibly peas, or maybe as my Mum suggested, Sweet Potatoes which according to her Afro-Caribbean friends prefer to grow upwards rather than along the ground as she tried last year, (they watched with amusement whilst she tried that!!).

Our fruit trees are slowly showing signs of Spring awakening with buds appearing on the ends of branches and these have been pruned to allow for maximum strength in the main branches and the Raspberry canes we planted in the old chicken run are showing signs of life, so we may have some fruit too later this year.

It's been quite strange going back through our archive of photos to find these for this post and seeing the progress we've made, tidying the place up, building fencing and acquiring animals, it's quite uplifting inmany ways!

So, if I'm feeling positive (and I am at the moment), we could be pretty self sufficient in fruit and veg this year. Now I just need to get all this down on paper, plan it properly and Lovely Hubby WILL be impressed, heck I may even remember to label the plants I plant this that would be a first!!

Sue xx


  1. WOW! Sue, that's major stuff. I am very impressed. And Humphrey is very interested: nose twitch, 'why don't we have a vegetable bed mummy?' nose twitch...
    Love Charlotte

  2. My poor veg patch has been 'resting' for such a long time now that I think I've cultivated a new strain of weed :( Once the snow disappears I'll have to summon up the energy to go dig it over, you have inspired me.

    And thank you for my order of Lavender, I think my postie was high on lavender when he dropped it off as the package smelt beautiful even in all its pretty packaging. :)

  3. You are lucky having all that land, that would be lovely. We have a tiny garden. Having said that, I don't have the time to manage that!

    'The 3 sisters' is a great way of growing veg. The native Americans used to use it. We have tried it and it works, and keeps the ground level weeds at bay:

    Native Americans
    The Native Americans used a variety of agricultural methods. In "three sisters" agriculture, for example, corn, beans and squash were grown in the same area to enhance plant growth. Bean vines grew on the corn stalks and increased the soil's nitrogen. The squash decreased the amount of weeds with its extensive ground cover. It is estimated that growing these three crops together increased crop productivity by 30 percent or more.

  4. Really good use of land going on there Sue, a kind of extensive intensive system: love it! You deserve that uplifted feeling.

    I used to grow my courgettes and the like in tyres full of poo 'n' stuff. Worked a treat. Never thought of carrots unfortunately.

  5. Coo ! I'm impressed - I really am.
    Gave the hens some lettuce today which they DEVOURED... so I was imagining my salad crop growing out there with those little beady eyes looking on & plotting, " wait 'til mum has turned her back... and ATTACK the lettuce!!!"

    Loved your spooky stuff over at mine !


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