Saturday 16 April 2016

Face at the Window

'Hello ... is there anyone there?'

" Mum, Rosy's at the door ...

... I think we should leave her there ... it's okay I'll have her bone  :-)  "

Rosy is the only one of the dogs that is allowed to remain outside on her own when we come in.  We don't have a choice most of the time, she runs off up the hill after rabbits and usually manages to bring one back with her for a snack.

   She's a sensible little thing, and although I don't worry too much when she takes off into the woods I am always relieved when I see her little face back at the window  :-)

Sue xx


  1. At least you can do that and not have to worry so much about cars.

  2. Can she be trusted with the stock in the fields - that would be my worry.

    1. Absolutely, although she never enters the field without one of us when the sheep are there.

      She stays higher up the hillside in the woodland except for dog walks. The two areas are fenced separately, she pushes under the fence when she's chasing rabbits but not to get to the sheep.

      She has always been taught to respect the ewes they intimidate her luckily, and now even the lambs are bigger than she is!!

  3. She has a reproachful look in that first pic. "Stop faffing with that camera, it's cold out here!"

  4. Pulling at my heart strings. I miss my Moggy.


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