Saturday 7 March 2015

' Hey ho hey ho, it's off to work I go ..... '

' Hey ho, hey ho, it's off to work I go ..... '

It just looked as though Lovely Hubby should be singing this song as he marched over to the polytunnel frames to continue his work there yesterday.

The sun was bright in the sky although it was very deceiving, it was actually freezing cold and the gale force winds had to be felt to be believed.  How he managed to hang onto his boxes of screws, pieces of wood and his cap I have no idea!!

He did spend a good fifteen minutes later in the day trawling around fetching buckets, sheets of plastic, bin lids etc that had been very unevenly distributed around the place.

Bit by bit it's coming on and I should be on target to be growing in the next few weeks.  Hopefully by next weekend the big concrete drainage rings will be buried out of site and ready to do their job in the future.  You'll never know they were even there soon.  More money spent and then buried out of sight, that's why I like to have photographic evidence.

Meanwhile in the kitchen I set to making a pepper and tomato sauce out of some leftover bits and pieces.  It should be nice poured over a pork chop or two for Lovely Hubby's tea.  Well you have to feed a man that is battling the elements to build you a polytunnel don't you  ;-)

Sue xx


  1. I have ~serious~ tunnel envy and entirely because of you have spent far too much time in the last week at First Tunnels' website! I've even worked out where I can put one ... but first we've got to use/move five year's worth of logs :-}

    1. You might have tunnel envy .... but I have log pile envy!! Five years worth of logs ... well done. :-)

  2. It's always great to have before and after shots, I did that all the time in my last garden. I am definitely going to have a poly tunnel in my next garden. It really helps prolong the growing season up here in Scotland.

  3. So cute to think of your hubby singing the dwarf song. He keeps making progress.

  4. Brave man putting up poly tunnels in these winds! Reminds me of the time we put up a tent on Orkney. The gales were unbelievable and the tent nearly took off. People from all corners of the camp site came running to help us and managed to get the thing pitched.
    I love John's wedding pictures x

    1. We have to wait for a completely wind free day for the polythene to go on, so at the moment he's doing all the other jobs.

      We are also waiting for the drainage things to be buried in the driveway at the side of the tunnels before we attempt to put the poly on. One wrong move with the big JCB that has just arrived ready for the job and it would be shredded polythene!!

  5. I would have thought it would be a two man job when you put the plastic up?

    1. Oh will be!! A two man and one woman job I think. Luckily I have two nice tall sons :-)

  6. Martin was making a start with the anchor plates yesterday on our poly tunnel, slow progress with part time husbands :-)

  7. What a HUGE amount of work he has done already! Looking forward to seeing the plants growing :)

  8. Wow, I can't believe how much you've got done. You put me to shame x


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