I read this book last week, it really is inspiring ...well it spurred me into action anyway.
All this year I've been decluttering and entering the things that have left the house on the to page at the top of the Blog, but I had ground to a halt recently. I guess I was uninspired ... so this book was just what I needed.
Of course it would be wrong to keep it for myself, I've read it, absorbed the gist of it and have now sprung back into action going through cupboards and taking the things I find to the local charity shop in Llanrwst. I don't even know what they raise funds for but those that they help no doubt need the money that my things will get more than I need the things.

After all I should take more notice of this little box that permanently lives on my sidebar!!
I am determined to, at the very least reach my target of 365 things gone by the end of the year.
One giant declutter that has just happened is one of our cars.
We have had three cars for a while now, for very good reasons ..... but the Corsa died a very un-dramatic but untimely death on the motorway last week, losing all power and then stubbornly refusing to work at all. Leaving Lovely Hubby stranded for a while in the pitch black at the side of the M6, then he was shunted from pillar to post by the AA for almost twelve hours. I will give them credit that when I Tweeted about this the next morning they immediately sprang into action. Paying for one of Lovely Hubby's taxi fares from the garage where they had left him and the car to his digs and then onto work, and also extending our membership for an additional six months. The power of the Tweet!!
So that's us down to a much more manageable and sensible two cars. We worked out that the cost of the repairs to the Corsa, quoted at over £1,200, would be more than enough to pay for the additional fuel that the Mitsubishi uses when compared to the smaller car. And hopefully it will be safer for LH travelling long distances over Winter in the 4x4 and we will save on the car tax and insurance.
This must be the biggest declutter we have done for a while!!
If you would like to be entered into the draw to win this book, please just leave a comment on this post. I am very happy to post to anywhere in the world.
Sue xx
Draw Now Closed
Draw Now Closed
I really could do with this book. I spent most of my life accruing items now I need to get rid!!
ReplyDeleteMe too, Justine!
DeleteI would be interested in reading this book Sue. Thanks for the chance to enter.
ReplyDeleteI have a house full of charity shop "treasure", toys and junk which I would love to let go of. Thanks for sharing x
ReplyDeleteI could use a boost too. I've gotten rid of tons this year but recently ( on Facebook) saw a picture of "becoming minimalist" house( Joshua Becket)? Not sure if this is his name. But wow, I got a wee bit depressed. I mean his house is stark. I mean nothing on any counter. So I've done great, but there's more to go.
ReplyDeleteMornin, Sue.....so glad your decluttering is going well. We sold a small truck to make room for hubby's GTO in the garage, and it saved us a bundle in insurance and license, etc. It's a small inconvenience.
ReplyDeleteSynchronicity? No such thing as a coincidence?
ReplyDeleteI read about the boys and this book last week but decided NOT to buy it because doing so seemed rather at odds with the ethos of not adding to the clutter .... but I have chucked a huge pile of very old magazines in the recycling this week and taken a bag of china to the charity shop . . . so would love to be in your draw please.
Sue, delete this if it's not of interest to you ... thanks to retaining my Firefox History I tracked down where I came across the book.
DeleteThis blog, post on 19th October:
Yes, Claire's Blog is on my sidebar, and she was lucky enough to meet The Minimalists (who wrote this book) when they were on their book signing tour a few weeks ago. She mentioned them on this post.
Thanks for doing a lovely giveaway, please enter me Sue, this would be perfect winter reading,before getting ready to start the big spring clean/ declutter x
ReplyDeleteI've just filled 3 large bags with outgrown kids clothes to pass on to a family in the village. We reached the same decision about our last car - the cost of repairs just weren't worth keeping it going x
ReplyDeleteI've 'sort of' got the purchasing of pretties under control. I even went into Paperchase today and didn't buy a thing. Not even Pug Christmas tree decorations, see how good I am. I'm trying to declutter at the moment, perhaps the book will motivate me more. Please put my name in the hat for it.
ReplyDeleteJean x
Hi Sue - your important things box and decluttering posts have really inspired me to de-clutter. I am on the final stages but as you say I now need a little bit of a push to complete. I would love to be included in the draw.
PS thanks for inspiring me thus far!
I would like to be included in the draw for this book,,, then,,, I will pass it on to another eager reader. Love reading your blog!!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like exactly what I need to give me a jolt into action
ReplyDeleteGoing through my knitting patterns right now and finding lots of doubles. Those are being packed up and given to our Salvation Army store. While I would love to be included in your draw, sending anything across the big pond is expensive so I will give the draw a skip, thanks.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
I am a hoarder I'm afraid, just like my dad was, it must be in our genes. I could do with reading this book so please throw my name in the hat :)
ReplyDeleteHello from Wisconsin's beautiful Kickapoo Valley. I've been boxing up and de-cluttering for awhile, but I seem to have bogged down, so thank you for a chance to get a book that would inspire me to keep on keeping on. I would be willing to share the cost of shipping.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the opportunity to be included in your giveaway Sue.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this book. I am trying so hard to downsize and conquer my hoarding tendency, the motivation would be wonderful..
Glad all ended well for your Hubby after all the difficulties.
Pam in TX.xx
I would like to be entered into the draw to win this book. My house could certainly do with a de-clutter. If you could see it you would agree. Thanks Hilary
ReplyDeleteI probably need the book but think that it would be wasted on me.. However, I have not added to my hoards for months.
ReplyDeleteI think the book was written for me..please add me to the list!
ReplyDeleteI really could do with a kick up the rear to get my decluttering started!!
ReplyDeleteWith 4 children, I am on a never-ending decluttering mission in this house! Am always looking for new inspiration. Would gladly pass it on again once I'd read it and been inspired ;)
Thank you for all your blogs Sue, you always give us inspiration. I wish I could de-clutter like you do. I am one of the hoarders of this world I am afraid, so your giveaway may be just the thing to get my clutter on its way out. Ann x
ReplyDeletePlease consider me for the copy of the book. I decluttered my life six years ago by leaving my very unhappy first marriage and nearly all our possessions. I bought a tiny two bed garden flat and loved the freedom and easy lifestyle of few possessions. I had two towels, two sets of bed linen etc. Fast forward to now and I'm happily remarried to a pack-rat! My darling husband accumulates things with the catch phrase 'we might need it'. I'd love to pop the book in his Christmas stocking in the hope that we can move forward together to a life with less. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI would love to enter as they are currently in Australia & I saw them on tv the other morning which disabled dh was watching. I had a look about them on the Internet & they have inspired me also to get back to decluttering. I was trying to declutter 1item a day for a year but sort of got a bit lost recording how I was going! Hey ho!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this book! :-) after moving house 7 weeks ago to a bigger home and one which is adjoining my in laws I feel overwhelmed with "stuff". My in laws downsized for this move but have left a few boxes in "our side" because they are a bit to difficult to part with. My aim to to sort those as well as decluttering our home for our new life in the country :-).
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed x
That sounds like a book I need to read! I am trying to declutter at home but I mess it up and end it, not knowing where to start and what to think. This would surely help me along the way!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in your giveaway. I need motivation to get back on track!
ReplyDeleteSandy Downs
Sounds like a really good book. Hope I win.
This looks as though it could be the start of a "round robin" being passed along every few weeks. I would love to have a read through. I think that most of us run out of steam on a long haul project and need a mental kick up the behind., I know that I do.
ReplyDeletePick me please, I'm planning a major decluttering which i haven't done for a while and need some inspiration x
ReplyDeleteAs long as you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater…….! I DO enjoy your doggy tails! x.
ReplyDeleteI mean Tales!!
DeleteI decluttered the livingroom and most of the kitchen.......still to do bedrooms and the loft !!! I've ground to a halt so maybe reading this book would help me to get motivated again. I'd be happy to pass the book on once I've read it (Trying to keep bookcases de cluttered!
ReplyDeleteWith a gorgeous new baby (surprising how much stuff they have lol) and a small house and many attempts to declutter but never quite getting there id like to give this book a read. I read the debt free page via their website and it was a good read. Apparently this book tells you why to declutter not how too. Maybe thats were I've gone wrong with my other decluttering minimalists get organised books! I dont mind giving my baby girl everything she needs but am pretty sure i dont need all my things....i just cant seem to let them all go though. I try but there's always more stuff. Maybe i should try this 365 decluttering challenge too. I'd like to read this book aswell though :)
ReplyDeleteI have been doing the de-clutter month with the make do and mend blog and would love the inspiration to keep going x
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this book. It is exactly what I need!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes,
Angela ( Devon)
The minimalists keep popping up all over this week - it is like learning a new word and then you keep on hearing it. I am quite interested to read their book so count me in Sue. Hope hubby has recovered from his car ordeal - that is one big declutter.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in the draw. I am in great need of inspiration and motivation. If I say my house is like a tip nobody even bothers to argue. LOL !!!
ReplyDeleteThe Minimalists came to Bristol which is not too far from me, but when it came to the night it was a dark, rainy evening and I didn't fancy the drive. Told myself i would get the book instead but haven't got round to it yet, so I'd love to be in with a chance to win the book and then probably re-giveaway on my blog ! xx
ReplyDeleteWith a New Year galloping up on us and a big B'day approaching the time has come to declutter my home and my life, this book may just spur me on to do it!! Thank You for the chance to win. xx
ReplyDeleteI would like a chance to read that book... Then pass it along with at least 364 other items!