Thursday, 20 December 2012


We treated ourselves to a new sign while we were at the Country Living Fair in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago.  It was supposed to be for our new house, but we simply couldn't resist putting it up now.  It looks so good in the hallway ......
... it's a slightly odd angle .... but it looks good!!
(There was only one screw in the wall and we didn't want to drill another ...lazy oinks that we are!)
There was already a hook on the front door so I had no problem hanging this lovely new Christmas decoration.  A wooden heart to celebrate our five years of marriage (the fifth anniversary is the wooden one).
It's beginning to look a lot more like Christmas here ...... more tomorrow.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments on yesterday post.
Sue xx


  1. Definitely no sense in drilling holes which will just have to be re-filled later! Happy 5 years too!

  2. That's a great quote, and so true. Congratulations on your five year anniversary.

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary.

  4. I love the wooden heart - it's not overtly Christmassy so is something that could be enjoyed all year round.Looking forward to seeing more of your Christmas decorating.

  5. I love that decoration. So pretty!

    Sft x

  6. Love the quote!


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