Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Getting sorted with the shopping.....

 My main Challenge this year is the 'Saying No to Supermarkets Challenge', and with this in mind it was important to get things as sorted as possible immediately after the move, of course we've had so much going on it's not all been easy sailing.  We had an supermarket amnesty for the whole of March to make life simpler, but now we are back with a vengeance.

The first priority was finding ourselves a milkman, back at the old place we lived too far down a bumpy old track to make any visit from a milkman possible so I used to drive to the nearest village twice a week to pick up my ordered milk.  Now we live almost on a road, well it's a lane that runs between properties alongside the woods.  After a tip off from lots of you lovely followers I  discovered the 'Milk & More' system from Dairycrest, you simply go online, open an account and place your regular order and then update it with anything extra you need before 9pm the evening before delivery and you can have all you need on your doorstep. 

Well I've placed an order for a four pint bottle of skimmed milk three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are the days Rick, our milkman visits the area, and also to test out the system and the quality, I ordered us a couple of extras for the weekend.

So Sundays breakfast was a very civilised affair, toasted muffins topped with two little fried Pekin eggs, totally yummy and a good start to the day.

Lunch was my favourite meal of the moment, I am trying out making lots of sandwich fillings, this one is Red Leicester grated cheese with chopped celery and mayo, all mixed together with a grinding of black pepper and served on seeded wholemeal bread with a leaf or two of lettuce, totally scrummy.

I've discovered most things chopped fine and mixed with mayo taste lovely in bread or on buns, to keep it a bit healthier when I use mayo I never use butter on the bread, you really don't need it as well.

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Why am I suddenly food obsessed, well it's coming to that time of the year again, the 'Live Below the Line Challenge' is happening in May and I've been reading through last years Blog posts when I did it, to see how I can do it differently and hopefully even better this time. 

I have my own fundraising page again, so if you want to donate to a very worthwhile charity you can pop over here and sponsor me, any amount is very gratefully received, from pennies to pounds and it's really easy to pay via Paypal.  This year I'm raising money for Restless Development, which enables young folk to learn about themselves and their communities, and to make positive steps for the future to help others in their own situation, both here and overseas.  After all if we don't invest in the young of today who will lead the world tomorrow?

For the week of Monday 7th May until Friday 11th May my Blog will once again be about the meals I make and the things I do whilst doing this Challenge.  Can I really live on £1 a day or less, will I do it any better than last year, I think I'll nip back and read through those posts again for inspiration and to help me compile a shopping list built around my own recommendations at the end of that week.

Find the posts starting here.

Sue xx


  1. I always used to have mayo without butter, then I discovered even better was a spoon of creme fresh (?) instead of the mayo...
    I love sandwiches and buns, reckon I could live on them...with choccy for pudding of course!

  2. I really want to make the move away from supermarkets but it feels such a big ask at the moment. Did you make the switch (gradually) over time Sue or did you just stop using them completely?

  3. There's no option for me but supermarkets, not having any local shops.

    I make a sandwich filling from one boiled egg, a bit of cheese thrown in, some onion, mayonnaise or salad cream if for husband, plus salt and pepper, a bit of paprika. Whizz the lot in a tiny blender, but not to mush, just pulse, and it spreads far, makes one egg go a long way.

    I'd be really interested in some of your other ideas for sandwich filling, as I get a bit bored with putting the same things on bread.

  4. thought you would be making your own mayo with all the eggs you have


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