After reading this Blog post over at 'my beautiful life' written by the lovely fostermummy I was very thoughtful. Feeling inspired to have a go I thought about it overnight and then decided YES, I was going to try and make/save an additional £2012 in 2012. Obviously I'm starting a couple of weeks late so I thought I better get my finger out and get doing something.
One of the dvds that has already sold - very appropriate title!!
So.....what have I done up to now, well firstly I listed some books and dvds on Amazon, I've sold £16.23 worth already and the money is currently on it's way to my bank account (isn't it amazing how long it takes money to reach your account, if a company is taking it out, it's out in a flash !!).
One of my Ebay bags BNWT Cath Kidston Shoppers
I've just listed some bags I found tucked at the back of the wardrobe whilst sorting, and a shirt that just doesn't look right on me on Ebay. I'm not doing loads of listings yet, I'm just testing the waters at the moment, I wasn't sure if it was a good time of year to be selling, we'll see. There appears to be lots of interest anyway I've bids on most of my things and lots of Watchers. They are HERE if you want to pop over and have a look. The bidding ends at 1.17pm on Monday, fingers crossed for a half decent amount of money to add to my total.
Something else I've done is allow Adsense adverts on the Blog, if you click on them I get a few pence per click, so you can really help my total here and you don't even have to buy anything from them, simply click to open and then come back to the Blog and I'll get some lovely cash each month. I'll let you know how much I get at the end of each month so you can see just how much you're helping.

Once the weather improves and the house move is out of the way I'll do a couple of Car Boot sales to help swell the total and clear the clutter, we have NO room for clutter at our new place. Last year we made over £1,500 doing Car Boot sales all through the summer, but obviously we have nowhere near as much stuff now, but hopefully I'll be able to make at least half of that amount this year. Maybe a spot of buying and selling will called for towards the end of the summer.....we'll see.
As well as the selling I will add to the total any housekeeping money over at the end of each month, hopefully some clever budgeting will help the total to rise and rise. If you break it down it's £168 a month or £39 a week or £5.50 a day. There that sounds more manageable. Hopefully I'll catch up from my late start this month.
Do you have any more ideas that would help me raise this money?
Sue xx
I had thought of putting the ads on my blog, but have decided against it, as I don't want to clog up my blog.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested to see how well this pans out for you.
Gill in Canada
what a good idea. maybe next year for me though.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea - may well join you as it would link into the other challenge I have started (or am starting in February). Love the bags - all of them - if only I wasn't trying not to spend! I clicked on all the links and actually got quite interested in the solar panels x
ReplyDeleteGill -I'll be doing a monthly round up on the £2012 in 2012 page at the end of each month so you will be able to see exactly how much I make through advertising.
ReplyDeleteSaphy - you'll have to make £2013 in 2013 !! If it works out this year, I'll join you.
Mrs Thrifty - I hope I don't tempt too many folk to spend their hard earned pennies, just click on the links - don't spend! (I guess I shouldn't say
Sue xx
I'm clickin' too! Solar panels here we come :))))))
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you try writing a magazine short story about your move and setting up the new farm, and your thrifty tips along the way? I'm sure they pay ££s?
Have a good w.e xx
I had thought about the ads on my blog but am unsure whether you have to declare tax and how it affects you in that dept I love reading how you're doing, I have been motivated by this post of yours to get a friend to sit with me and help to set up an ebay a/c as I want to sell some bits and bobs and don't know where to start. thanks.
ReplyDeleteTed & Bunny - That's a good idea, will add it to my diary list - thank you.
ReplyDeleteI hope you aren't all going to actually buy solar panels - you'll blame me when we have a bad summer and you get no sunshine :-)
Thanks for all the clicks folks it's amazing to see my earnings going up, admittedly it's only pennies but pennies grow into pounds eventually!!
Sue xx
Betty - I'm not sure on the tax side of it, I'll have to check with my little brother he's a Tax Inspector, so I HAVE to behave myself :-)
ReplyDeleteAs I'm self employed I guess there will be a box on the self assessment form somewhere.
Good luck on Ebay, be very aware that it is addictive, you will be finding things from all over the house to flog!!
Sue xx
Well, you probably already know this but 3 things I've heard of selling at car boots are:
ReplyDeletesmall plants such as foxgloves, lupins-started off so people can pop them in the garden.
posh cakes-not sure about regulations.
cold drinks at affordable prices-from a cool bag?
Sft x
You can sell homemade cakes at a car boot.
ReplyDeleteI got hold of some cheap fizzy cans to sell and they were going rapidly until the mobile food van who was charging twice the price got wind of it and reported me to the supervisor who told me to stop :( At least I had sold most of it before he came. Very dissapointing.
SFT - plants, yes brilliant idea. I know these sell really well, if I can get something growing quickly after the move it would help to raise money. Every year for the last few years I've had a 'cash crop' that has funded ALL our seeds for the planting season by being sold at car boot sales. The first year it was cabbages and lettuces and last year it was Basil, red and green, the red was the most popular this year for some reason.
ReplyDeletefrugal freesia - you both said cold drinks and cakes, so it must be a good idea, I'll add it to my list. Which also reminds me I should complete my Food Safety and Hygiene online course soon!
Sue xx
This is a great idea & good luck. I plan to do a boot fair in the Spring. My friend at the charity shop & I were discussing raising some money I suggested selling ourselves & she suggested selling a kidney ! I often joke that I'll send Joe up the chimneys to make some money too !
ReplyDeleteLots of practical ideas here - I'm sure you will do well.
Haha.....I draw the line at my kidneys Penny!!
ReplyDeleteSue xx
That's a great total to save for the year. Do you know what you'll spend it on? Have you thought about survey sites where you get paid for filling in surveys? I believe there's a few different online companies.
ReplyDeleteI did consider the survey sites, I tried them briefly last year but I don't have the time to do them and sometimes they ask for just too much personal information for my liking, that and it taking my friend over a year to make £50. I just think there are speedier and more fun ways of making money.
ReplyDeleteThe money will be going into an Isa I think and it may be classed as our 'Holiday Fund', but nothings decided for definite yet.
Sue xx