Wednesday 25 March 2009

Signs of life.......

Mixed salad leaves.
Signs of new life are popping up all over the place now. Bulbs are appearing in places that we least expect to see them, the little chirrups of baby birds can be heard from all the trees and parent birds are in a feeding frenzy. Two birds are attempting to build a nest in our working chimney and I have to light a mini fire each morning to discourage them.

Our farmhouse kitchen is not the idyllic tidy place it could be at the moment, we will have to do something about this as my much longed for kitchen table has now been made and is being delivered on Friday along with four chairs and a bench ...ooh ... the anticipation!!

Half the kitchen window sill.
My seeds are starting to germinate on the kitchen windowsill at an alarming speed. We have planted most of the veggie seeds into halved toilet roll inners so that we don't disturb the roots when we plant them outside. The cardboard tubes rot down very quickly leaving the baby plant in its own little ball of compost and nutrients, not quite such a shock to the system for the plant.

Peeping into one tray.
We have lots of people saving these rolls for us, some of them think we're very strange, but I'm sure a few will latch onto the idea for themselves when they taste the yummy vegetables at the end!

The other half of the same window sill.

But in the meantime all available windowsill are being pressed into action for germination of seeds and chitting of potatoes. Decorating is on hold as we are preparing raised beds for the potatoes and onions (also sprouting merrily away on the utility room windowsill).

Tomato plants will most likely remain in the house on the upstairs landing windowsill as we will not have a greenhouse until later in the year. Thank goodness for such a light filled house and large deep windowsills!!

Archie posing on the hearth, just begging to be photographed!

Have a good day.

Sue xx


  1. It's all so exciting isn't it Sue? I love this time of year when you don't know where to turn next - house decorating, gardening, pond clearing...I think we are definitely leading parallel lives! x

  2. Have just found your blog and enjoyed reading it. I wish I had the patience to grow seeds - I've tried but with not a lot of success!

  3. I have no veggies on the go, but my pansies are coming up in my little hanging basket....they do look oretty!

    Looking forward to seeing your plot get bigger nad the produce that grows!xxx

  4. Toilet roll tubes! Who ever dreamed this up is genius! I am going to try this with a few little plants. We are behind you in terms of Spring weather ... is that an ironing board with wooden legs I see in your first photo? I haven't seen one like that in ages.

  5. I'm so happy to bring back fond memeories for was fun, markets are such a brill buzz!
    I love a hunt for bargains, today was a fab day for a good un!

    I live not that far from old Trafford, My Granny used to live on Northumberland Rd...x


  6. It's so lovely to see all that new plant life emerging, isn't it? Well done you - how industrious you have been and will be when you start planting on! I am so pleased to at last be able to leave a comment for you, having failed several times before - I now realise that for some bizarre reason unknown to me that Firefox doesn't let me leave comments on some blogs, yours included, so I've gone back to using Safari which does let me leave messages for you! And I've now put you on my favourites list too. Have a lovely rest of the week. Happy days. Denise x


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