Tuesday, 21 August 2012

New Blogs, Blogging Buddies

Remember way back when you wrote your first ever Blog entry, I do.  I didn't know what I was doing really and have simply learnt and am learning, as I go along.  Yes, I had done a computer course (I hold the ECDL in computer studies dontcha know), but it didn't teach me the mysteries and delights of Blogging the wild and wacky ramblings that whirl round in my head or how to chart the highs and lows of living the life we lead, so different from our last one!

Taking those first tentative steps in Blog Land is exciting, we have all done it once  and when you discover a brand new Blog, that captures your imagination with it's title alone and then find that the writer is a like-minded soul, it's like making a new friend.

So I would like to introduce you to my newest friend, she doesn't even know it yet, I must dash round to hers and warn her she's about to have lots of visitors.  Then she'll have time to put the kettle on and be ready with tea and scones.  Or maybe in her case she will settle for lashing of ginger beer and a red rosy apple each with hunks of bread and slice of cheese or two........what are you going on about I hear you ask.

Well I've just found a Blog called 'I Blame Enid Blyton' nip over and say hello, say Sue sent you and maybe you'll get some of that ginger beer!

Have you got a new Blog ......... or have you been tempted to start one of your very own, why not just bite the bullet and go for it.

Sue xx


  1. I popped over to your friends blog - am now a follower - I have seen tea light jam jars in Brighton recently and thought they could be easy to make so was pleased to see your friend has done some - it's very refreshing to find a new blogger and see their take on money saving. thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow! I certainly didn't expect this. Thank you so much Sue for your kind words of encouragement. It is a bit nerve wracking starting out, wondering if people will enjoy what you are writing about. I have wanted to do it for a while but always found some excuse not to. Now, thanks to you, I have every reason to carry on. Thank you!!!

  3. just popping over for ginger beer now...

  4. Betty - those tea light jam jars are lovely aren't they, she's a talented lady for sure.

    Miss Organic Fair Trade Knickers - (I just HAD to type all that it's a brilliant nickname!!) It's my absolute pleasure to highlight your new Blog it's looking very promising. As Arnie would say "I'll be back".

    t and b - enjoy!!

    Sue xx
    Our New Life in the Country

  5. I'm going to do just that later. I love Enid Blyton even now and when I was young she provided me with hours and hours of excitement and wonder.

  6. Hi, I have also joined Miss OTFK, she is very entertaining and interesting so thank you. And for yours too, its nice to see what is possible and I always enjoy reading you.

  7. I came across your lovely blog a while ago on my rambles (not sure now if I left a comment at the time or not) and I keep popping by. I am a novice blogger and love finding new sites it is like going on a treasure hunt clicking into all the links. I enjoyed going over to your new friends blog - Enid Blyton is still a firm favourite with me I still have my Enid Blyton Book of the Year in fact one day I must take some pictures to post - I had it when I was about 4 or 5 and I added a few little scribbles of my own!!
    PS I am so novice I haven't worked out yet how Google Friend Connect works - so I may just have to keep popping back until I do.

  8. I am on my way over to visit this new blog!

  9. I thought " Who wants to read about me ?" I've made a small group of Blog friends some I've met in person. You helped me so much when I got the hens who were the inspiration for my Blog in the first place !
    I grew up reading Enid Blyton, so I'm off to visit !

  10. yes, I remember my first blog post too.. exciting and its all grown and developed. I had a really close friend and experienced blogger who helped me so much with mine. I read Enid Blyton too.... happy memories. Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  11. Great link, Sue, thanks! Mo

  12. I've just been over and joined too - it's going to be one lovely blog, thanks for mentioning this one Sue, it's so nice when you find a blog you really identify with - Yvonne xx


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