Monday 16 February 2009

Change of Plan

Valentines Day involved a HUGE change of plan.

We had the meal on Friday night instead of Saturday, it turned out to be my favourite Garlic Kievs along with rice and salad, I'm a girl with simple tastes. Eaten with the lovely wine that hubby had already chosen.

And then on Saturday we set of for Cardiff, to watch the Rugby. Hubby had a chance of two tickets from a guy at work and he just couldn't refuse, he did ring to check that I wouldn't mind, lovely thoughtful man, how could I say no ... even though I HATE sport of any kind.

I had never been to a rugby match before and the atmosphere at the Millennium Stadium was electric, the singing reverberating around the arena.....fantastic. The rugby wasn't too bad either! Then we walked back to Cardiff Bay and went for a meal. The night was rounded off with Magners cider (our favourite) in our hotel room. Not a bad Valentines date, spontaneous seems to be our middle name....we do it SO well.

Then on Sunday we set off for home, stopping on the way to buy a heavy duty garden shredder. We can put it off no more the orchard needs to be cleared of its six foot weeds, and the trees need to move from their temporary buckets into their very own space.

A small selection of our trees in buckets (yes I know......they look like sticks).

Back to life...back to reality!

 Sue xx

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, jsut popped over from Blueberry cottage, I'm from Cardiff, sounds like you had a great time, isnt the singing fab?? I get so emotional with the anthems especially seeing those big strong men reduced to tears bless em!! Sounds like you had a perfect valentines even if it did involve rugby and x


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