Wednesday 28 October 2015

Photogenic Animals

I was looking through some old photos on the computer the other day, deleting lots that really didn't need keeping and I found myself looking at photos of all the animals  .... I have quite a few (animals and photos)  ... of course not many of them were deleted :-)

I love this picture of Suky, showing of her 2 kg weight loss over the last few months.

And my Yin and Yang best buddies Ginger and Mavis curled up together as they so often are.

Rosy looking like a perfect little pooch as she snoozes on Mum's bed.

Gosh .... even Gingers rear end is a thing of beauty  :-)

I'm not quite as photogenic ..... I think I'll stay behind my cabbage for as long as possible   ;-)

Sue xx


  1. Love to see your animals, they are gorgeous, can I just ask , did you make the quilt?

    1. I wish I could yes .... but noooo, it was bought from a lovely little shop in Wheatley, Oxfordshire.

  2. They are so gorgeous. They photograph well because they are so natural. I much prefer being behind the lens. X

  3. Love the pictures, including the one of you hiding behind the cabbage. Thank you for sharing them.

  4. I do so love to see the gorgeous Mavis and Ginger curled up together! :)

  5. The women in my mum's family have all been enormously photogenic, until me! Maybe I'll join you behind the cabbage :-)
    We have beautiful photographs of DS, DDiL and all our animals, but we both try to stay behind the lens whenever possible!

  6. Sweet sweet faced pugs.........morose humour...little bust keatons

  7. LOL that's a mighty odd shape that cat has got its tail into!

  8. ha ha ha gingers rear end made me laugh!
    they are all very good photos! such adorable fur babies!
    thanx for sharing

  9. All of your fur-kids are so photogenic !! But that Suky... her eyes & expressions just see right into you !!
    And you are a pretty gal too Miz Cabbage Leaf !!

  10. aahhhh lovely photo's and its good to see you poking from behind the cabbage to Sue :-) dee x

  11. Aren't animals THE best subjects for photos ? Only, our black cat, Xena can be hard to capture sometimes.
    The cabbage patch doll, looks perfectly fine too. :-)

  12. Awwwww, aren't they great :) I wish our russell would get on with out cats like Mavis and Ginger :)


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