Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Progress in the orchard and polytunnel fever

Last night whilst I had a bonfire, partly to cremate poor Mother, (gosh she was a chicken, don't panic if you're a first time reader or a member of the police force!!) and partly to clear the barn of excessive rubbish and cardboard, Lovely Hubby and Jason got stuck in, in the orchard putting in the fence and gate posts for our pig pens.
The three Pig Arks were delivered as arranged and are waiting to be maneuvered and assembled in the enclosures. Two enclosures have all the posts and hopefully LH and Jason will be able to complete the third tonight. Once the Arks are in place we will be able to get all the wire on and our little 'piggy paradise' will be ready.
And now the pictures I was going to show yesterday for my lovely Mum to see.
The poly tunnel is proving is worth as crops are bursting forth left right and centre, as you can see from the pictures some are still growing, some we are eating on a daily basis and some we have even sold, dipping our toes into the plan for next year of selling surplus veggies at markets and car boots.
The beginning of cauliflowers.
Carrots and parsnips.
Two lemon trees, now just starting to bear fruit.
My lovely Red Chilli bush.
Green Peppers, with a Dwarf French Bean in the background.
Limes, bearing fruits already.
Glorious radishes, yummy and HUGE!! (And a good seller.)
Spring onions and carrots
Melons and Cucumbers
Brocolli at the front and Purple Sprouting Broccoli behind with Lime bushes and Kiwi plants in the furthest bed.
Rocket and Sage and other herbs with a couple of green peppers in the middle.
Winter leeks, planted yesterday.

So as you can see I have been busy, made a whole lot easier with all the help from Mum and Dad, to assemble the beds and fill them all. Yesterday it was very hot here in Oxfordshire, but soon it will be getting cooler and then it will be time to cover the mesh currently on the PT doors with a layer of polythene to keep in what warmth I can in, I am not going to heat the tunnel, but the warmth gathered from any suns rays during the day and the trapped atmosphere should be enough to keep my plants growing long past the time they would outdoors.

If we are lucky, and with the right planting we could be picking fresh food right through the winter. This year may be a bit hit and miss, but I am willing to give it all a try.

Sue xx

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I envy you that heat Sue. Come to that I envy you the pigs too! Look forward to seeing more x


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