Sunday 31 August 2014

Getting Ready?

You'd think with No Spend/Low Spend September starting tomorrow I would have been out and about topping up supplies, filling the freezer with food to last us, making sure the cupboards were full to overflowing of foods to see us through ... but NO ... quite the opposite in fact. 
I have already, without even thinking about it, been using up supplies.  Fishing in the cupboards for food I already have instead of dashing out and buying replacement things for items that we have used up.
This jar of homemade Green Tomato Chutney was taken from the cupboard, when the jar of onion marmalade in the fridge was finished off, and do you know what .... it is gorgeous!!   We ate it on buns from the freezer with sliced chicken for Lovely Hubby and sliced cheese for me.  We were slightly greedy having two each but we were hungry after a mornings barrowing and this set us up for an afternoon of even more work.
As you can just about make out on the label I made this in September of last year, and the time it has spent developing it's flavour tucked in the dark cool cupboard has mellowed it's taste wonderfully.  It's that mild, mellow and flavoursome it could be eaten on it's own, in fact I snook a cheeky spoonful straight from the jar ...... for test purposes you understand ;-)
(For the very easy and basic recipe look at the recipe page at the top of the Blog.)
So starting tomorrow .....  a month long food fest of use it up and wear it out. 
 Seeing if I can run down food supplies enough to be able to turn off the large chest freezer (we have to ..... the roof could be coming off the conservatory in the next couple of months!). reading the books and magazines I have instead of buying more, and digging out last Winters clothes to see if I can get away with not spending a penny on clothes for the foreseeable future.
Join me for No Spend/Low Spend September either just reading about what I'm up to or having a go yourself, in whatever form you decide to do.  There's something appearing on the horizon that takes up a lot of some folk's money, and not spending for a whole month could start some serious saving towards that.
Don't shoot me .... Lovely Hubby raised the dreaded 'Christmas' word before I did ... honest!!
Sue xx


  1. I think I will be joining you Sue, I have two full freezers that need emptying and a purse that needs filling!

  2. I think I might join you Sue. My budget has taken a blasting during the summer holidays and I need to get back on track with some of my year end financial aims before the big C is upon us. I don't have a huge amount in the freezer or cupboards, but I can still be careful with regard to what I buy in so I don't overbuy and instead use up what we do have.

  3. I am on board too. We've had a very expensive couple of weeks and I'd like to recoup a little where I can.

    I've already checked my winter wardrobe and, as long as it all fits, I should be fine with what I have.

    I haven't stocked up to use things up either, seems to go against the point of the exercise!

  4. Sounds like a plan. Think green tomato chutney is always much better when well matured! We have some still maturing from 2012 and tasting great! One beetroot chutney recipe I have matures into something very mild and delicious after a good rest in a dark cupboard too. Definitely not something to rush.... Love your photos as usual x

  5. Count me in! Had an expensive summer, need to empty an old freezer that is on it's last legs and the dreaded "C" word reminds me that I need to get organised (as I make a lot of the presents)

  6. I will join you Sue, it would be nice to use the stuff in our big freezer. But I do have a BBQ for hubbies 65th next weekend, so I hope you will excuse the shopping for that, but to be fair, I have found loads to use from the freezer. It will enhance our living a simpler life.

  7. I'm in on this too. A family matter is going to cost me everything plus more, we are going to have to hunker the frugal down like we did when we were paying debts off.

  8. The Randoms are in! We need to replace the car and I'm hoping it can be done by Halloween if we're careful.

  9. We're in. Love this blog, very inspirational xx

  10. I'm in Sue, I have to pay out big expenses in September and I do not want to put anything onto a card. I can only think of one thing I NEED in week 1 - milk. Also I am moving out of my flat so I must eat out of the freezer before it is carted away in week 4.

  11. My problem is with my winter clothes is , I cant get in to them so i have too choices , to buy some more or to loose a stone to get in to them , I think i will choose the frugal way , loosing weight xxx

  12. I have the new kitchen units arriving next Friday, the more I can use by then the easier the job will be of emptying out the old ones. There are two small freezers in the loft, as well as the small one in the kitchen. When we get the new one for the kitchen it will be bigger, not enormous, and I want to be able to fit everything in there and get rid of the ancient ones on the loft. So freezer supplies need to be reduced too.

  13. My daughter us getting married next Saturday, so it is batten down and replenish the savings pit, count me in

  14. Me too , I did an approved food order last week but as it was paid for from Augusts budget I won't be counting that.

  15. Well, we are already living off freezer stuff as we want to clear the chest freezer before our holiday in October. Our food budget for each week is now just £39 and we are hard pressed to make any savings on this. But, I shall at least give it a good go.

  16. Huge boiler repair and roof repair bills coming up (4 figures - enough said!) so I'm in with you on this too. I've had apples, rhubarb, cabbages and cucumbers given to me as well as two jars of apple jelly so that's a good start. The cupboards and freezer (just a tiny one) are well stocked and I'm repairing everything I can to make things last longer. Looking forward to reading your posts to keep me motivated x

  17. I am with you all the way and probably doing a Stoptober as well. I am planning on buying an embroidery machine soon and that will be my last buy this year. I have to get rid of one of my small sewing machines to make room for it and am busy working my way through my fabric stash. I did buy a little on Saturday and I have ordered some more wool, but all at very good prices. Now I need to concentrate on using what I have and squirrelling money away, there may well be a wedding in Cardigan to consider next year.

  18. I'm in too. I need to clear out the freezer and pantry. Tonight is crockpot teriyaki chicken with rice. They'll be teriyaki tofu for the veggie. Our biggest variable expense is food really. I'm still spending at least $800 for 4 and in August there was the GF here. That's food and some non food too.

  19. Yummo to the green tomato chutney. I've also found that green tomatoes are great in a stir-fry as they sweeten with the heat but don't go mushy.

  20. I'm with you in this challenge. I defrosted my freezer this morning and made a list of everything in it, and I'm going through all my shelves and cupboards writing down all the food I have and then devising menus around it. I have masses of fabric and wool to keep me going, and dozens and dozens of craft magazines and books I can get ideas from. I don't need to buy anything else...I must make that my mantra and recite it when I'm tempted!

  21. Count me in. Just off to make menu plans with the contents of food cupboard and freezer. Cannot leave the house as I am waiting for breakers van to come and remove the old dead car.

  22. Don't do menu plans, just eat whatever is cheap. I shall be running the fridge down this week, going on holiday next week, when I shall spend whatever I like on accommodation and food. No transport costs though. So can I be excused for next week please.

  23. Good going!! I have done this for a few years now and try for at least 20 no spend days a month. I am more mindful of what I buy and plan all my shopping and bill paying so I make very few trips. I am spending much less just by staying away from stores and stocking up on those on sale items that we run out of.

    God bless.

  24. Tried to comment yesterday but don't no what happened ! I would like to join you in this challenge of no spending. Got through my first day with no spending.

  25. I'm joining in - I'm have a Mindful September - whatever I'm spending shall be a conscious choice, thought out. I am planning on running food supplies down, esp in the freezers, as the garden is still producing, so I need somewhere to store all of the fruit and veg! I shall also be making chutnies - for us and towards Xmas, I may need a couple of small purchases (maybe £2 ish) towards these but am hoping for a total spend of £300 on food for the 6 of us (4 healthly appetite adults and two primary school growing boys). I generally include loo rolls, cleaning stuff and any toiletries purchased in the supermarket in my grocery spends so I shall see how I get on. I have already spent £7.50 today and have an Ald! shop planned for tomorrow for milk, f&v and some other items. :)


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