Thursday, 26 June 2014

Have You Signed Up Yet ?

In just one weeks time, lots of us ex-Harcombers, current Harcombers and people who have never even tried it before are joining in to have a '14 Day Summer Blitz'. 
Fourteen days of eating real foods, no calorie counting, no specific exercises, just move around at your own pace doing what you want to do, nothing too challenging at all really, just being nice to yourself and getting your body into a good place, one it's perhaps not been into before or for a long time.

You can sign up to join in there are no strings attached, it is completely free of charge and all that will happen is that you will receive this free workbook to help you on your way.  Each and every day during the Blitz you will get an email with tips and inspiration and then it's all up to you.
I've signed up printed off my workbook and dusted off my Harcombe books and recipe book (although you really don't need them .... if you do want your own copies they are available to buy on the Harcombe website with a 30% saving between now and the end of the Blitz).
Fancy joining me?
Sue xx


  1. Hi Sue,

    I was intrigued so have got myself the workbook. I am a bit confused by the message about joining the forum for free as it seems to say there's a £1 a month subscription. Have you joined the forum? I'm scared to!

    1. You do not have to pay any monthly subscription to use the basic Forum, just click onto the link I have provided above, from there click onto the 'The Club' heading, then click on the 'Forum 'heading in the bar across the top of the page. The forum Threads that you see there are all available completely free of charge to anyone that is interested in finding out about the Harcombe diet and taking part in the 14 Day Blitz. No doubt a special thread will be started in time for the start of the Blitz.

      I have been a Plus Member of the Harcombe Diet website for a couple of years now, although I have sadly let things slip recently which is why I am joining in with the Blitz to get me back on track.

  2. I did Harcombe for a few weeks, but ultimately found it hard to keep up with the 'no carbs and fats at the same meal' rule. I know it works though, as I did lose about a stone. But then, any diet works as long as you stick to it!!

  3. Sounds very intriguing. And very tempting too. Trouble is I have a feeling I might be away for some of it which makes it really hard to stick to. I shall have to have a look.

    X x

  4. Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one going on a diet, I have been doing daft things the last few days and I'm blaming it on the lack of sugar. How much do you want to lose?

    1. I need to lose two stone!!

      If you've cut out sugar you will feel a bit foggy for a day or two, but ride it out suddenly you will get a wonderful clarity and you will be over your sugar addiction. I have just been reading Sarah Wilson's books 'I Quit Sugar' and the follow on, I think it's called Quit Sugar for Life'. Brilliant reading.

    2. I'm most definitely a sugar addict, I've been making jam this morning and cringing at how much sugar is used. I have two stone to shift as well, where on earth does it come from lol x


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