Friday 5 September 2014

Bread and Sloes - Spend Day

After all that talk yesterday about emptying the freezer I go and buy two huge freezer packs of bread rolls!!  Oh well they should see us through Lovely Hubby's week off work, lots of cheap lunches.  A bacon bun and a big mug of tea is the fuel my man runs on, and at just £2 for a pack of 24 really good value.  Now I just have to rummage through the freezer for some bacon .... fingers crossed!!
I ignored all the offers that might have tempted me in Asda, I went just for dried food for the dogs as it's on offer there and I have vouchers for £2 off every pack, so I'm getting Charley's puppy food for just £1 a bag, not bad for a branded variety.
I bought just the bread, butter and the dog food and left the store, it was almost as if I had blinkers on.  Which is a really good way to shop when you are trying to keep your spend really low.  Either have a list and stick to it or just have the things you need on your mind, don't even look at the offers you have to walk past

Walking the dogs round the paddock again this morning I noticed that we have Sloes, one more fruit to add to our list of being self sufficient in fruits.

While we were in the paddock Charley posed quite beautifully for me .... and then looked down just as I took the picture as some insect caught her attention.
Oh well, they do say never work with children or animals :-)
Sue xx


  1. Do you ever make your own bread Sue, or is that too big an ask when you are so busy getting the smallholding set up? Well done for sticking to your frugal shopping list - it's not easy!

    1. Yes I do usually make my own bread and have some flour and yeast in the cupboard, but to be honest I've been so busy recently I quickly got out of the habit. With LH at home all this week I thought I would buy some bread for convenience AND when there's homemade bread in the bread bin he does eat way too much of it .... not good for a diabetic. So it's bought bread while he's off.

      Once I am properly in the swing of having four dogs and life gets into some sort of routine again, home made bread will be all we have .... as long as I have time to monitor what my man is up too ;-)

  2. Well done getting such a bargain on dog food. I shop around on line for our dogs' food as they can only eat a special type and it's cheaper buying it on line than at a pet store. None of the supermarkets sell the brand that we need. I also buy wormers and flea/tick treatment online which is much cheaper than the vet or pet store.

    It is so easy to be tempted by offers and non-food items in the larger supermarkets!

    Charley is SO cute! Our dogs can be sitting beautifully but as soon as we reach for the camera they come rushing up to investigate. Have a great weekend x

    1. A brilliant idea to shop around online for wormers and flea treatments etc, they are very expensive. At the moment we put all dog medical treatments through our company as they are down as working animals, although what work a Chug and a Pug would do on a smallholding I haven't quite worked out yet .... shhhh :-)

  3. I spent a little today as i have a guest for lunch, popped into Tesco and got some RTC bargains so lunch for a few days for next to nothing, and a half price chicken that will make several meals.

    1. I used to be able to make a chicken go a long, long way, but now LH is super generous and shares it between him, Ginger and the dogs ..... and it is all gone in one meal !!

  4. Don't think I've ever seen sloes before. Charlie....don't you want your picture taken? My dogs are the same, trying to get a good shot of their pretty faces.

    1. I didn't use to know what they looked like compared to Damsons but now I've seen them develop the difference is subtle but there!!

  5. Glad you had a sloe day mine was busy, busy, busy ;) ...........well it is Friday!

  6. Do you wait until the first frost to pick the sloes or is that an old wives tale? I have my eye on some , there are loads of them.


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