Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Learning from the Animals

Archie the town cat with the immaculately fluffy tail brought to the countryside by us when we moved here. He spends his nights hunting and his days cleaning his tail and then sleeping....not a bad life.

He sits relaxing staring out at the world, allowing me a photo.....if I'm quick!

He curls up with his friends and has a snooze whenever he feels the need.

At times he leaps into action .....

... showing us his skills, agility and beauty, sometimes wanting a pat on the back for doing well, but mostly doing it just because he can.

We can learn a lot from animals.  Take what life throws at you, learn from it, make the most of it ... live it well... we only get one!!

The animals are keeping me grounded at the moment, walking the dogs in the fresh air (yes, Archie comes nine times out of ten), cuddling with Lovely Hubby and the cats and Rosy on the sofa in the evenings in front of our roaring log fire. 

My Dad is now out of hospital with strict instructions to rest, to take time to get back to normal..... what's normal..... it's different for each and every one of us......normal is good, especially when it's your own version of normal.

My version of normal ........ my family and friends safe and well, doing what they want to do, when they want to do it.

Sue xx


  1. one moment at a time...this breath, this moment!

  2. Small steps...
    Here's hoping Dad is feeling better.

    Interesting, thought-provoking post.

    Hope the rest of the week is good,

    Sandie xx

  3. I think that Archie has the right idea, thank you for sharing the lovely photos of him.

  4. Very wise post Sue, I love the photos♥ I'm so pleased to hear your Dad is out of hospital:) Rest well Sue's Dad♥ Hope you are managing to get your blood pressure down Sue and hope DH is feeling more like his old self, not that he is that old:) Linda xx

  5. Lovely tail/tale - hope your dad is improving and your blood pressure is coming down. potassium rich food help - toms and beetroot and bananas which you probably grow (even the bananas!!!) stay well Ali (aka Alis girls)

  6. Love the cat photos, glad to hear your Dad is getting better as well.

  7. Wonderful photos of such beautiful animals. Hope your Dad continues to improve.

  8. So sorry to read about everything that is happening with you and yours at present. Thinking of you and sending you much love from me and the furry/feathered ones
    Sarah x


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