Monday, 21 February 2011

Lovely Hubby in the doghouse!

Haha.....he's not really.... he's in the pig ark!!
(For any of you who don't 'get' the northern humour - being in the doghouse means you have been naughty)
This weekend has been brilliant, busy but brilliant.
Friday saw us picking up the new 'rescue' chickens and settling them in, it also saw Lovely Hubby twisting his ankle quite badly later in the afternoon, not long after the above photo was taken. So Saturday saw me scurrying off to the chemist to buy him a good support bandage and for the rest of the day he got on with paperwork and accounts. Something he normally puts off for as long as possible, but he got stuck in with gusto as there was nothing else he could really manage.
Seven of Maud's piglets eating breakfast
Sunday we finally moved Lottie's babies to their new enclosure (away from Mum and Aunty Lulu), we were going to do it last week but we decided they weren't quite ready then. All the pig enclosures were given a fresh carpet of straw to help them cope with the mud and all the pigs 'helped' us to fill the arks with fresh bedding to their satisfaction.
~ Maud with the piglet that eats with her
Martha has been moved back to the barn to give her a break from Jack and she will be joined there on Friday of this week by Maud who is getting to the end of her patience with her babies, so they can be successfully weaned too.
'at last'.. she says....'peace from those pesky babies'
All in all it's been like Piggy Musical Chairs here on the farm. But for now everyone is settled and although it's 7.30 am everybody, (including the chickens) is still in bed. I'm giving them ten more minutes then it's breakfast time. As soon as I appear the farm will come to life with cockerels crowing, piglets squealing and big pigs grunting for food, so I'm enjoying this unusual quiet.....or of course it could be that they've all left home in the night!
Now I'm worried....I'm off to check!!
UPDATE....everyone was okay, but now I'm soaked to the skin, the rain started just as I went out to feed everyone....serves me right for letting them all have a lie in ! Even the dogs have refused a walk, so now I'm having a bowl of oatbran and a lovely hot cup of coffee while I read Blogs and slowly steam away at the computer.
Sue xx


  1. What a divine post.. and I love the pictures though I am so glad it is not me in the mud, I adore fat squealing piglets I lived in the Midlands when I was little and got to hold them now and again and I adore them...
    Hugs Lynn xxx

  2. Every cloud has a silver lining...not sure if that's the case with Hubbys' ankle LOL! I hope it is much better now, at least the paperwork got done!
    Mud,Mud,Glorious mud! That song always drifts into my head when you do a piggy post!
    Hope the sun shines soon for you all.

    Sandie xx

  3. I live in the North myself - that rain get's everywhere. How can pigs be so photogenic? I love them.

  4. Ohh!! That pic of Martha looking at the camera is fantastic!! She looks like she's posing!!! How gloriously muddy it all is!! Glad they haven't upped sticks in the middle of the night!! K x

  5. I love the Mother/Baby pic ...just look at the size difference!
    Jane x
    PS Hope the ankle gets better soon.(A husband in pain and not able to do what he wants...need any ear plugs?)

  6. Hi Sue
    Love the pigs. We are off on Sunday to pick up three new girls after we saw your post about their plight. We only have room for three more (we already have 5) as we don't have a great deal of space left but I suppose this will help some way towards saving these poor chickens. Hope hubby's ankle gets better.
    Jo xx

  7. That's fantastic Hesta Nesta, you'll not be disappointed. They are lovely friendly hens, very sociable and have got on great with our existing flock...and we've had an egg a day off each of them.

    We've got 45 layers now.....eek!! How did numbers grow SO fast, plus the Lavender pekins, there are 12 of them!

    Lovely Hubbys' ankle is much better now, thanks. It's a bit sore again today as he has to wear his posh shoes to work, you can't wear trainers or boots with a suit!!

    Sue xx

  8. what lovely piggies - my dogs also don't want to go out - which is just as well cause neither do I - roll on spring

  9. my lovely hubby helped to move the hen house & fence them off... I have my garden back & no more close shaves for Breeze with the neighbour's dog !


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