Wednesday 9 February 2011

Can you help.....?


Watch this....I did last night and I'm doing my bit. I can only fit 20 more hens into my henhouses so that is how many I'm picking up next week. Can you help at all.
Our first hens were rescued free-rangers (White Star Hybrids) and they were brilliant. You expect them to be unsociable because they have been part of a giant flock of birds with not a huge amount of human contact but the opposite is true. They are desperate to make friends with you, and look to you almost immediately for companionship and love. My girls gave me vitually an egg a day for the first 18 months we had them and they also played a huge part in turning us from hapless townies into the country folk we are almost becoming. We have 3 of the originals still on the farm, Molly, Jemima and Lovely, you learn SO much from a chicken, they are intelligent, family orientated and live their lives simply.
Hens are quiet, productive and will live cheaply on your kitchen scraps with a handful of layers pellets each day. They love to weed your garden (you will have to protect anything you love though, they will also eat your plants and veggies) and eat all the slugs and pests that would normally eat your plants. They are as good a pet as a cat or dog, they never need walking and give you the bonus of lovely freshly laid eggs. What other pet provides you with breakfast!!
Hylines are friendly average sized chickens (I already have quite a few Hylines) that lay wonderfully tasty brown eggs.
If you can help contact the email address in the video, thanks for taking the time to read this, I don't normally do appeals but this one is close to my heart and I know the benefits it brings to both sides.
Sue xx


  1. I wish I could help - I've been trying hard for ages to persuade MrVV our garden needs chickens - he still says NO :(

    I hope all those ones find new loving homes.

  2. Its terrible isn't it. Our 3 are ex-bats and we love them !
    Sue x

  3. I would love to help right now, but we still don't have our garden. As soon as we move though that is the first thing on my to do list x

  4. I would have some if I were closer as we are down to just 3 old ladies now.

    Hope they all find good new homes

  5. I'd love a trio of these. Brilliant pets and earn their keep with eggs.
    Sadly we no longer have room - 8 macaws and 6 dogs take up all our garden.
    What a bargain these hens are and too nice to slaughter.

    I have put a link on my Facebook page in the hope someone might see and save a couple

  6. Oh Sue, I just watched the video and so wish I could help. You know the situation. God, it's heartbreaking really isn't it.
    I am so pleased you're taking 20. Lucky girls.

  7. I can't take any I'm afraid Sue but I agree with all that you say about hen keeping


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