Tuesday 24 September 2013

Apples, Apples Apples

This year has been a bumper year for apples, over most of the country the apple harvest is rolling in.  Here the weight of the apples on the oldest tree has been too much for it and the main trunk has snapped.  Peering inside we can see how dry and brittle it has become and there really is no salvaging the poor old girl, she has however gone out on a high. 

As it is close to our landlords posh office building behind the veggie patch we are having to have it carefully removed so that any remaining falling wood does not go crashing through the large walls of glass (who in their right mind builds such a structure so close to an old tree, there is plenty of room for the building elsewhere, but hey ho that was his decision).  We have a tree surgeon calling tonight to give our landlord a quote for a different job ... yes he also erected that lovely Wendy House under a slanted tree which is now leaning on the roof of said very expensive Wendy House, so we are going to ask him to carefully chop down the old apple tree and cut the branches into lengths we can take with us to Wales.

We took a trailer load of wood down with us last weekend that is usable now but this apple wood will give us a head start for next year and will make wonderfully smelling firewood for log burner.

Off course the apples off the tree are being used to very good effect.  Last year Lovely Hubby commandeered virtually all the apples for his Apple Juice and Cider, which we still have lots of sitting in dark corners all around the place.  This year it is mine, all mine and I have been happily stewing and crumble making.

Neatly labelled and ready to travel, this should see us through the dark days of Winter, well these and the next twelve bottles that I am about to make.  I have decided to bottle this year instead of freezing any more as we really do need to get the chest freezer emptied ready for the main move.

And my Top Tip #15

When moving house, fill containers up.  If you are moving them anyway they might as well be full.

Jars - full of food.
Plastic Containers - nestled inside each other in decreasing sizes.
Tins - full of biscuits or packets of biscuits ... or cakes ready for those first few well deserved coffee breaks

In fact anything that is hollow think ...  can I fill it?  You usually can, space is space and the more you save the less you need.  If the  bread bin is empty fill it with carefully wrapped things from the kitchen, tip packets of dried foods into any spare glass jars you are taking with you.  Everything helps.

I usually even wash out the kitchen bin, put a fresh liner in and then into that goes all the things you will need on arrival at your new place.  The tea, coffee and sugar, a packet of biscuits, enough cups for one each and the all important electric kettle.  On arrival you set up the brewing up area and you have the bin to hand for all the little bits that normally accumulate as you begin the mammoth unpacking session.

Luckily I even kept the box my jars came in, so everything is safely stored and will be taken this week.

Sue xx


  1. My favourite packing tip Is that most paperbacks fit exactly into a banana box the from the supermarket. they are happy to collect them as they have to pay for it to be taken away after being crushed out back.

    Could I ask, what trailer you have. We have looked at the ones from Halfords, but I would like one with higher sides.

  2. How do you bottle your Apple Sauce? Is it just a matter of sterilising the jars as per usual? Not that there will be many apples left here, have had an op on my mouth so stewed apple and custard going down a treat!!

  3. I was wondering about the apples too. We have no freezer room left and I still have plums to process, let alone the apples

  4. Lots of apples this year, any free food is good. I have just started to freeze the surplus I have (in Mum's freezer) as I cannot eat it as quickly as I am collecting windfalls and have no spare vacuum jars (or space in motorhome to store them) but am loving the great 2013 harvest. Do you have an actual 'moving date' or are you just taking bits and pieces over each weekend?

  5. Great idea about the kitchen bin! When I move, I always put the kettle, tea & coffee, mugs, some food etc - all the essentials things, into the bath and tell everyone NOT to touch them - including the removal men, especially if they want a cuppa during the day! Then, I do the same at the other end so they are easy to find and don't get put away in the wrong place.

  6. I'm going to try your storing apples in jars as I normally freeze the puree. I'd never thought about storing it in jars. It's a really good idea, particularly as I forget to get the box of frozen puree out until the last minute, and end up trying to defrost it quickly!


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