Tuesday 3 November 2009

Mud Wallowing

No photo today, I couldn't hold my camera and stay upright!!
Here on the farm we are mud wallowing, the chickens have the cleanest feet ever because they have been walking in puddles all day and the pigs have been moved into the next enclosure because theirs was thigh deep in mud for them.
When I first went over I thought their legs had shrunk to half size and then I stepped in the pen and I too sunk. Watching me would have been funny but at the time was pretty scary...who wants to be head over heels in mud. Luckily my wellies are a really tight fit with two pairs of socks on, so I managed to keep them on my feet.
A walkway was created with straw and then I could get back, so the three lovely ladies were moved next door where now their legs look the right length again!!
Luckily the sun has come out for the last couple of hours this afternoon, so the animals popped out of their houses and basked briefly in its warmth. Already it is going dark though. and soon they will be all tucked up warm and cosy for the night, and I think that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Hope you are slightly less muddy and warm and cosy too.
Sue xx

1 comment:

  1. It was very wet earlier, the rain was so heavy! I am cosy in doors but feeling rotten...fluish. Poor animals I hope that they are all ok now. I do not want to go out but I guess you just have to when you have so many to look after. Good luck with everything.
    Carol x


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