Saturday 28 November 2009

Betty's Better

Thank you for all the lovely comments about Betty. She has now (fingers crossed) made a full recovery. She has been jabbed everyday by Lovely Hubby and taken it in very good spirit. As long as she's eating seems you can do almost anything to her!!
LH has been a brilliant Doctor and I have backed him up with lots of moral support. The main thing is our biggest animal is now up and about and ready, (hopefully soon) to meet her new boyfriend. We hope to have the pitter patter of tiny trotters by April of next year. So from Betty to you - THANK YOU for the good wishes and concern shown. Blogging is a lovely way to meet the nicest and most caring of people. I'm off now to my Willow Wreath Weaving Course to see what masterpieces I can create for Christmas. Sue xx


  1. Hello Sue, I'm glad Betty's better. Enjoy your course, make sure you show us what you make.
    Bertie x

  2. Great to see her back, doing what pigs do best!

    One thing, Sue. What's her parentage? She's so like our 'mini-pigs' except ours are smaller and don't have the white wellies! Legend has it that ours are the progeny of an escapee Gloucester Old Spot and a Pot Belly.

    I do look at them sometimes though, and wonder if a wild boar got into the mix!

    1. Betty is a pure bred (and rare bloodline) Berkshire.

      Prick ears, white flash on the forehead and four white socks.

  3. Oh good - I've been checking.

    Must be all the bloggers sending their good wishes like saying " I believe in faries " to revive Tinkerbel !

  4. PS ... do you clip the hen's wings ? I'm having terrible trouble with my naughty wonderers & soon a neighbour will complain !


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