Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Bath Time

 Harry in the bath.

I was going to show you some little frugal tips today to go along with my Frugal in October theme, but my camera decided to die a death on me so while it charges up for an hour or two so I can actually show you what I am talking about, we are having a little 'Goosey Intermission'.

Over in Chicken World there is a ritual that takes place over and over again during the course of each day - Bath Time for geese.
Larry waiting her turn.
Althouugh geese don't need a pond they do like a proper preening session with all their feathers getting a good soaking, then they can groom themselves properly.  Our three even quite enjoy the hosepipe being turned on them on a warm day.
To make up for their lack of pond we have supplied them with a bowl big enough to sit in (one at a time) and placed it inside a tyre so they can't tip it up.
After a good bath they sit by the water drinkers so they can have another dip of water and touch up any bits they might have missed.
...and Mo in the sunshine.
Then it's just a question of sitting in the sun to dry off nicely with your feathers spread to the warmth.
 Harry, Larry and Mo our beautiful Chinese Grey Geese girls, nice and clean after bath time yesterday.
Sue xx


  1. Replies
    1. They are aren't they....pulls happy smiley face of a proud Mum!!

      Sue xx

  2. i love goose - so expensive, do you keep them for meat? if so lucky you, if you keep them for pet, then lucky you too - they are such characters

    1. They were never intended to be meat, the idea was more of a guard for the chickens, but I think if a neck was needed to be wrung for health reasons (injury etc) I would let Lovely Hubby eat the poor victim!!

      As they run around with wings outstretched you do see the shape of the carcass that you see on the butchers display or on the supermarket fridge shelves.

      Personally I couldn't eat one, I hope they stay healthy over the Christmas period, maybe I'll sneak out with multi vitamins to be on the safe side!!

      Sue xx

  3. You have a female named Larry? I thought I was the only one to have done that. Sadly, Larry my kitty is gone.

    1. I wanted a trio of names, we didn't know if they were boys or girls when they were tiny fluffy babies, so this is what they were called.

      Interestingly if you Google Harry, Larry and Mo (on Google Images) you get pictures of the Three Stooges AND our lovely girls, both as tiny babies with Mum and as they are now!!

      Sue x

  4. what a neat idea putting the bowl inside of the tire.

    Gill in Canada

    1. It really was the only way to do it, they are terribly clumsy and tip everything over and just walk into things, especially at night when they trip over all sorts!!

      Sue xx

  5. i love the first photo so much.

    1. I'm amazed my cheap little digital camera is so good at capturing action shots sometimes, although I do realise it's usually a fluke and not a talent for photography on my part!!

      Sue xx


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