Sunday, 7 November 2010

Relaxing Weekend

It really has been a relaxing weekend this time, although we have been busy, there is no great rush to get jobs done, so we have just been pottering from one to another.
Friday saw us in a meeting with someone who is helping to find us a new farm, then we tidied veggie beds, planted some Winter crops and generally cleaned out and looked after the animals. The dogs had long walks and the day ended early with the drawing in of the dark evenings we have now. After warming hot baths and a leisurely tea we settled down to an evening of reading and television watching in front of a roaring fire.
Saturday saw me off bright and early for my Craft Fair, and a brilliant time it was too, lots of money made and some lovely folk to chat too, both stall-holders and customers. Next month Lovely Hubby will be coming with me as he has a new job, manning the kitchen to provide customers with Christmassy fayre and nice hot drinks.
Sunday has been a day of finishing off jobs, cleaning up the house and looking after our landlords doggies as they have been away visiting their brand new grandson....awww!! Now we are about to sit down and chill, before another week kicks off and it all starts again.
Hope your weekend was nice and relaxing too, I think we all need to make an effort in our busy lives to just take things back a step and slow the pace from time to time.
Sue xx


  1. That sounds kinda perfect to me. Reward after lots of hard work. Glad the fair went well.

  2. It sounds pretty much like a perfect day.

  3. Lovely - sounds super. I had a god week end too - tiedied my veggie patch & found lots & lots of worms where we used to have very poor soil now it's rich. Sorry hens - I left the worms to do their thing !
    I also bought a new skirt one size smaller than I have been doing - horray !

  4. Our garden is practically under water today and the hens are learning to paddle! But, the sun is shining so its a rush to get outside and catch up on some clearing up - leaves mostly! You have obviously benefited from such a theraputic week end. Ann x

  5. Isn't it nice to just relax! Once the snow arrives here there is more time to just sit in front of the fire and read/knit/listen to music/watch a movie aaaahhhh....looking forward to it!
    Jane x


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