Tuesday 13 October 2009

Posh New Residence

Well here we have it, our newly assembled hen house.
The Brown girls (Welsummers) moved in last night to give them a head start on the White girls (White Star Hybrids). Usually they are bossed about mercilessly by the White girls so I thought if they got their feet under the table first they might move slightly up the pecking order
....we shall see!
It went together like a dream and is lovely and sturdy, a good deterrent against Mr Fox and protection against the cold winter nights to come. It has the slot shown above to pull out a moveable floor, so cleaning is a bit easier, just above that is a little ventilation window with wire mesh behind a closable door, and round the side to the right is a person sized door so you can climb in if necessary.
The front of the house is being modelled by Rosy, my beautiful assistant, showing the raised lid of the nesting boxes and the delightful little heart shaped glazed window so my girls know when daylight is approaching.
It was fun and easy to assemble, although we did do it in the rain on Sunday afternoon, I'll let you know how the continuing 'moving in' schedule goes (although one of the White girls did lay an egg in the nesting boxes yesterday, so it can't be too bad!!
For information this is the Maggies 24 Henhouse from http://www.flytesofancy.co.uk/ a brilliant company that we use for all our chicken supplies (including egg boxes). No, I am not being paid to advertise, I just think that good design and excellent service deserves recognition in this day and age.
Sue xx


  1. Hi Sue, very posh, the ladies will be very happy. How are the pigs? Ours are going next week!
    Bertie x

  2. That is one seriously lovely henhouse Sue x

  3. It's great! I do think the girls might appreciate a bit of floral bunting though, Sue!
    Hen x

  4. Our henhouses could be twins, ok well nearly you have a lovely heart on yours.

    lynn xx

  5. The heart.....I love hearts!! Almost want to move into your henhouse myself?!!!!! LOL!!

  6. Oh I agree with Hen, bunting is required!! Its lovely

    Sarah x

  7. Well, well, well. If that ain't a DE-luxe accommodation, I don't know what is! Puts our old chook house to shame.

  8. I want a heart ! I have one on my garden shed.... how do the cats & dogs get on with the hens ? I'm worried my girls will be eaten when I let them out on Saturday for the first time !!!!


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