Thursday 28 January 2016

Learning to Be A Good Husband

Jack is slowly but surely learning to be a good husband .... a good chicken husband that is.

A good cockerel, as well as fertilising the eggs, pulls the flock together in a way a flock just doesn't act without a cockerel.  They lead by example.

For instance he calls the girls over  with his 'chuck chuck' call when tasty titbits are thrown into Chicken World, he leads them to cover  and safety when the rain starts to suddenly pour or the wind gusts, if a low flying large bird comes past he will call out to the girls and they are super aware of any potential danger.  He keeps an eye on them when they squabble and puts them in their place if things get overly rough.  Any unusual noise or happening and he's straight in there investigating to check out what's going on.

Of course in return for all this his fifteen wives have to do their part and put up with his sometimes over amorous juvenile advances each morning.  It's not always easy for him to 'hop on' he has a huge problem in the size difference between him and some of the larger girls.  Because Jack is a Lavender Pekin Bantam, a half sized chicken and some of our girls, especially the Black Marans are big dual purpose birds.  The first couple of months that he tried to 'get frisky' with them they simply chased him away but as with any young male faced with such feathery gorgeousness he was not too fazed and carried on in his persistence to let them know that persistence and Mother Nature will conquer all.

They now virtually all look up to him, well especially if he puffs himself up to his biggest proportions, stands on his tippy toes claws and makes himself look his magnificent best. 

They seem to have forgotten that a mere seven months ago he was this little pipsqueak on the right, hanging around on the periphery of the flock with his sister Jill and Mum Mother Goose, looking to his Mum to get him all his tasty treats and his fair share of the chicken food .

They grow up so quickly our little feathery children  :-)

Sue xx


  1. Lovely chicken post. I love chickens and hearing other peoples' chicken stories. They do grow incredibly fast. I have had mine from 4 months old and was, at first, amazed that they were fully grown. Chickens are wonderful creatures! Regards, Louise S Cheshire.

  2. aahh such a lovely post Sue. I have spent the afternoon digging over and out my area for my chicken run so it was so nice to come and read this ;-) I ache all over but I cant wait to get my chickens your's all look gorgeous, dee x

  3. I've wanted a cockeral for my flock but the neighbours would be brushing my tail feathers with complaints I'm sure. He is handsome.

  4. Oh how fun! He is a rather handsome gentleman :D So fun to learn the inner workings of the flock :D

  5. He is a rather lovely chap. I used tp have a Pekin cock and two hens - they were lovely and the cock also used to try to mount myordinary sized hens, but with varying degrees of success. They all died some years ago and then I had a Buff Orpington cockerel - a magnificent chap - he died last year. He was marvellous at keeping all the hens in order and totally selfless when any goodies were thrown in their direction - he would call them over and let them have first pick. I was sad when he died.

  6. Laughing away at Jacks antics! Could you not make him a little ladder so he can *ahem* complete the job with a little more finesse? x

  7. It always moves me when a cockerel chuck chucks to tell his girls to eat.......

  8. He is a handsome fellow, such a beautiful colour x x

  9. Sue, such a cute story...almost made them all sound human! Have a special weekend.

  10. He's a handsome young man.
    It's amazing how they indeed keep their ladies in check and keep them safe in many cases.

  11. I've missed your chook stories!! and forgot how 5 mins can easily turn into an hour on your blog!!


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