Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Stoptober - Off and Running

Well here we are the first of the month, how the hell did that happen so quickly!!
The first day of Stoptober got off to a good start anyway.
Broccoli taken out of the fridge to have for tea, with all the unused trimmings being popped into an old ice-cream tub and popped straight into the freezer.

I didn't bother to open freeze it flat on a tray, I just gave the tub a good shake after an hour or so in the freezer to keep the bits relatively free-flowing.  Once this tub is full of veggie bits and pieces it will be the basis of a good pan of vegetable soup. 
A free meal.
And what is the reason for the Pug card being the top photo on the post today .... well there isn't one really it's just a lovely card that my Mum sent me.  We both keep our eyes peeled for cards with Pugs on them just because we love them so much.  It used to be a lot easier to find them as Pugs were the fashionable dog to have last year, this year they aren't so much ...... I wonder what is more in fashion in the doggy world now?

Whatever it is, it can't compete with my gorgeous girl.
Her diet is going very well by the way, she has now lost half a kilo    :-)
Sue xx


  1. Pugs should never be out of fashion, perhaps I should follow Suki's diet, she is doing better than me.

  2. I think French bulldogs are the "IT" dogs of 2014.

    1. I think you are right, gorgeous little things..... I must not be tempted ;-)

  3. Love your veg soup idea, never though to freeze the small bits we compost/

    1. I usually give them to the chickens, shhh don't tell them :-)

    2. I never thought to freeze them either, what a great idea :-)

  4. Yummy vegetable soup! Love Suki, but I'm a yorkie lover.

  5. Working in the health sector, every time I read a blogger mentioning Stoptober I think they are giving up smoking :)

  6. I never knew you could eat brocolli stems, what a great idea, and your right Suki is gorgeous.

  7. Brocolli stems have gone into my stew packs today. My blog post is about freezing veggies left in the fridge drawer :-) xx

  8. we use to eat brocolli and cauliflower stems but we use them know as treats for our pup. he loves them

  9. I saw a Chug on the ferry back from Brittany and then at book club a lady had her chug puppy with her as he cries a lot if she isn't there. Aw cute.

  10. I use the stems of broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage grated with carrot etc to make a coleslaw and sometimes as the base for stock or soup. The bits I can't utilise go in the compost, my chooks won't eat broccoli - mush be related to George Bush Junior lol!

  11. Lovely card. I can't believe it's October already either!

  12. Today's stoptober plans have gone well. Started notifying people our change of address, getting a refund of £229 council tax and a refund of £34 for water. Sold a hedge cutter for £20 and possibly sold a unit for £20 too. Breakfast and lunch were from stores and ended up eating tea very last minute at mums. A good day today :-) will update my mse diary tomorrow x

  13. I am starting Stoptober on the 2nd as yesterday I had to buy paint for the spare bedroom I am decorating..$100 later with other needed bits & bobs. However today I have talen out all my old veggie bits from the freezer, ready in slow cooker for overnight cooking. Can't put it on during the day as the flies come around in swarms.
    Your card is so cute!

  14. I think they must be fashionable in France at the moment. Over the last two weeks I have seen a different one each Saturday in Loches. the last one was a tiny puppy. I don't remember ever seeing one before.


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