Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Buying, Selling and Saving

The buying is most definitely reducing to almost minuscule levels and the selling is increasing, the right way round thank goodness.
Yesterday whilst in the village posting off the bags I sold on EBay last week I called in the health food shop for some Oatmeal as I wanted to make some oatmeal biscuits, so that was two things being sold off and one thing bought.
 I managed to make a profit of £16.11 on the blue Laura Ashly bag and £11.80 on the green  Hotter bag, so I was really pleased with the outcome. I guess at a car boot sale I would have been lucky to make more than a couple of pounds each for them.  I say profit because I have been carefully working out how much things are costing me to post and how much the charges for selling are, it does need to be worthwhile all this wrapping and posting things off.  And I do try and combine the drive to the Post Office with other reasons for visiting the village to keep fuel costs down.
Ebay is proving to be good for things like the bags that have well known names, but Amazon has been brilliant for Dvd box sets and selling books, especially a lot of my diet type books.  I put six more books on there yesterday and two sold within minutes, I have to find four things to put on Amazon this afternoon to keep up with my weekly challenge of listing 10 things each week.  It is going pretty well so far.
I will have to update my '£2012 in 2012' challenge page in a minute to get it up to date and see how much my shortfall is at the moment, it would be lovely to complete this challenge properly.
On the back of my mind at the moment is my plan for our Blog subtitle for next year.  You may have noticed that each year it varies slightly.  Up to now we have had (as listed way down in the sidebar) -

Our Blogging Years

2009 - From Townies to Country Folk

2010 - Pigs and Chickens

2011 - Our Year of Living Simply

2012 - 'From Simple to Frugal....and Beyond'
(one couples journey to jump off the consumer bandwagon and live more simply)
I have a definite idea for next year and it's all linked to the Sealed Pot Challenge and what I intend to do with the money (when I see how much it is).    I guess I'll let you all know what our Challenge is going to be when I open the pot on 3rd December, it's a date firmly marked in my diary.  If you want to know more about the Sealed Pot Challenge pop over to Sft's Blog  HERE and have a read.  I have already signed up for next years Sealed Pot and once I open mine up this year and remove the contents for counting I will be resealing and re-using the same pot again.
It would be criminal not too, it's lovely and fits in with our kitchen beautifully.
Lovely Hubby drilled the hole in the top ....
... and last year we managed to save £258 in it, not a bad little haul.  Here's hoping for similar (or even better) this year.  Every penny is earmarked for the Challenge and nope, we won't even need to go to the bank to change it into notes!!
There....have I left you suitably mystified or have you guessed what we are up to?
Sue xx


  1. Are you making a doorstop and need the coins for the filling?! ;-)

    Seriously, I am really enjoying your blog, it's refreshing and inspirational and above all, a good read. We do a "Virtual Sealed pot" each year - purely online involving the odds and ends from each bank account getting shifted across whenever I log in to the bank. doesn't save a vast amount (It'll be around 3150 this year) but it's another little way of saving money without noticing the going of it.

  2. No idea what you're doing with the money, you're still being very mysterious!

    And what a brilliant idea. Have just talked it over with Husband and we're going to do the same thing - only not for a year, but for 6 months. It's our 30th wedding anniversary at the end of May next year, we want to have a special holiday in a nice cottage (after years of holidaying in caravans or staying with relatives - nothing wrong with that, but we want something special next year). We're going to start now (I've got a large coffee jar I'll crochet a nice cover for) and open it up in May. We're already making lots of frugal changes to save money to pay for the accommodation, the Sealed Pot cash will pay for fuel and give us spending money.

    Thanks Sue for mentioning this, and to SFT (or whoever thought it up).

    Sooze xx

  3. Mystified Sue. But the sealed pot is a really good idea.

  4. Are you going to do one of these http://pinterest.com/pin/264164334363397020/ (hope that works). I am very intrigued.
    Like Robyn, I am loving reading your blog and I think the £2012 in 2012 is inspirational.

  5. I always deduct selling fees too, and leave enough in my Paypal account to cover them. I think I must have sold quite a lot as the lady in our post office asked me last week if I have anything left in my house!
    Scarlet ( feeling suitably mystified!)x

  6. I like the sealed pot idea. Okay, you have got me going, off to pot hunt......:)

  7. Hi, Sue. I was referred here by Moonwaves. I've been looking for Mrs. SFT's blog as I'd like to re-join the Sealed Pot challenge after an absence of over a year. But each time I end up at a Google page asking me to 'sign in'. Do you have any idea what has happened to her blog? It is wonderful and full of tips for saving, many of which I have used. If you'd like to email me, my address is: maelinne (at) hotmail (dot) com Thanks so much.

    And, since I was here anyway, I've been having a peek around and finding your blog delightful, too. I'll be back! ~ Linne I haven't posted much in the past year, due to various things going on in my life, but I'm about to begin again. :-)


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