Wednesday 30 March 2011

On a clear day......

'On a clear day, stop and look around you' go the words of the song. I did. Yesterday I was so low and yet I took the time to stop and look around me, I planted potatoes, down on my hands and knees, fingers in the cool damp soil, dig a hole carefully postition the seed potato (the right way up helps) cover, and when you get to the end of the row earth up slightly and water well. Two beds full, planted and tucked up safe and secure, repetitive, yet soul nourishing work.

While I did it I thought of all the lovely messages you left yesterday in the form of comments and the many private emails I received from the lovely family of folk who read my Blog. I thought of our family all phoning each other and supporting each other with words of wisdom and offers of help.
But most of all I thought of my lovely Mum in Law, Jessie, hearing the dreadful news that she has lung cancer and having tests to see if it has already spread. We should know the results by the begining of next week. It's not like you see on television with the whole scenario being acted out in minutes or hours, results take days for doctors to examine and plan over. She's a brave, brave lady and one who has dusted herself down and is waiting patiently to hear.

I also thought of Alan, Lovely Hubby. My big strong bear of a man, being there for his Mum, trying to help his sister, being the rock in their world, when inside he's falling apart and rocked to the core. Travelling alone to be with them, worrying about me here on the farm. So much to do for one person when they're feeling torn in two. I love him so much.

But until we hear, and indeed even after we hear life should go on as normal, as normal as we can make it, for us and for her. My normal is my Blog, I chart our successes and our failures, I get feedback from the lovely fellow Bloggers and readers, advice and ideas. Without you I would have taken longer to come around from this dreadful shock, so I thank you, each and every one of you who took the time to leave me a comment, or drop me an email....... and I give you this.
When life sends me lemons I don't make lemonade (although maybe I should it's delicious), I make Lemon Curd, Lovely Hubby loves it on his toast, on his bread on his get the picture he puts it on everything!!

The recipe is on page 186 of this delightful book, it's a shame it's not in the Favourite Food for Friends book, because that's what you Blogging Friends, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, prayers and kind words.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

Sue xx


  1. To my brave inspirational daughter. You have carried so much on your shoulders this last week. A big thank you to Sue's friends who have lifted her with their emails and comments and prayers. Jessie is a wonderful dainty but sturdy scottish lady. Who really does not deserve what has been thrown at her. She is so brave. love Mum. XX

  2. It is so hard when everything is turned upside down. All you can do is make sure the rest of life continues as smoothly as possible. We are here to support you in supporting your family, who are supporting your mother-in-law. Best wishes to you all and I hope this next week goes quickly.

  3. A hard call to receive, I know from experience. I do hope for the very best for your MIL and indeed, for your entire family in this scary time.

  4. Thinking of you and your family and this very difficult time. I was watching a programme on the TV last night (Lily Allen - Riches to Rags) and she said we don't count our blessings enough, not until something 'rocks our world'. I am now going to take a moment each day and just think how lucky I am and say a little prayer for you and yours too.

  5. Ah darling I'm so very sorry to hear your news. My Dad was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer last year and I know that feeling of having your world rocked to its very foundations. There really are some amazing drugs out there. Dad is one of the lucky ones who has responded really well to treatment thus far but that wobbly feeling of 'what if' isn't very far away all of the time. Sending you hugs, hope and strength and all the very best to your MiL. xxx

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. We had the same situation with my father-in-law two years ago and it's a terrible place to be.

    It sounds so simple doesn't it, to carry on as normal, but it's one of the hardest things to do. My thoughts are with you and your family and I'm sure that your family are strong enough to deal with it.

    You have a lot of people sending positive thoughts your way, and you and your family deserve each and every one.

    Clare xx

  7. My dear friend..i am so sorry you and your wondeful family are going through lovely FIL was so ill last yr we thought we might lose him..he is ok now but its so hard to watch my lovely hubby suffer in silence..trying to be brave and strong for his mum..i'm here if you need are qite a remarkable lady sue and none in your family desreve this awful time..
    keeping you in our thoughts and sending you our love,

  8. Thinking of you and yours at this moment in time.
    You are all brave people and lucky to have each other.

    Oh , by the way, my mouth is watering over the lemon curd!


    Sandie xx

  9. Hello Sue, my thoughts are with you and your family at this dreadful time. Your husband may be being strong for everyone, but he is also very lucky to have you to lean on and to be comforted by. I wish you all the best. xxx

  10. Thinking of you and your family at this time. x

  11. It is difficult news,indeed, if all the hugs and prayers in blogland could heal.......just imagine!
    Jane x

  12. Wonderful words of comfort coming from your Blogger pals Sue so I can only add mine. So teribly sad. Keep strong & hopeful and united as a family xx

  13. So sorry to read your news. Sending you blessings and hugs xxx

  14. Thinking of you and yours. My mom fought lung cancer, then kidney cancer then back to lung cancer - 3 types in 5 years. It's amazing what the doctors can do these days. My mom made it through, many hopes and prayers for the same with your MIL. xx

  15. Thinking of you Sue at this stressful time. XXX


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