Wednesday 17 April 2013

Our Hens Have Names .......

There were so many good suggestions of names listed on yesterdays post, thank you each and every one of you who took the time to think up names for our lovely new girls.
The reasons we can't have some of the names mentioned yesterday is that I only have one animal of each name ever!!
The one and only exception to this rule is our cockerel Caldwell II, we decided after the bravery of our first gorgeous guy Caldwell, the Lavender Pekin Bantam, that the main cockerel of our flock would always carry his name.  He laid down his life, alongside with his five sons,  in defence of his ladies, so they were all saved by the mass bravery.  He will never be forgotten, nor indeed will any of our birds or animals.
The beautiful girl above is Little Lucy, a Lavender Pekin Bantam,  RIP. 
Our Border Collie, Sophie RIP

Millie and Mollie, two of our original flock ofWhite Stars, RIP

Bourneville, the Welsummer. RIP

My beautiful Betty, the Berkshire pig, our very first Rare Breed pig. 
(Sadly gone for meat, I think Lovely Hubby has eaten most of her now) :-(

And finally Bluebelle, the Bluebelle chicken, running around causing mischief as I type.
So all these names were out of the running straight away, sorry.
The girls virtually chose their own names last night, with the names listed yesterday carried in my memory I went over with LH to put all the chickens and geese to bed and to have a good look at them.  As usual one of the geese had put herself to bed in the henhouse, now through Winter we didn't mind this as it meant if all the birds were in one house it kept them nice and cosy, but now with slightly warmer nights we want them to get used to sleeping in their own house again so they all have more space, so each evening we lift her out and with her two sisters walk them over to the Goose Hoose.
Last night she was in a complaining mood as she was being carried and set off the other two honking and making lots of noise, the new hens not being used to this dashed out of their bedroom in the Eglu, lined up at the mesh and were chunnering to themselves 'ooooh oooh ooh etc etc, for all the world sounding like three elderly ladies watching naughty childish goings on.
So in my opinion they each have to have names that would befit a group of gentle elderly ladies complaining about carryings on.
So the names of my lovely trio of girls are - (in the order that they are stood)
Ethel as picked by Heather
Dolly - picked by Jo
 Enid - picked by Welsh Poppy
I have picked up your email on your Blog Jo, so I will be in touch shortly, please could Welsh Poppy and Heather drop me an email with your address so I can post off your eggs.  (If you scroll to the very bottom of the Blog you will see my email address in the left hand column.)  Well, in the case of Heather as you have the same problem as me I will send you something else as a thank you for coming up with the name rather than an egg.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to leave a suggestion yesterday, some of them were inspired!!
Sue xx


  1. Awww, they're beauties. Glad you liked the name I suggested. I've dropped you an email.

  2. Now all they need is a hair net each!
    Jane x

  3. Ha ha, a lovely way to choose the hens names.

  4. Lovely names and lovely hens.
    The Eglu looks very posh!

    1. It seemed expensive when we bought it five years ago, but I can honestly say it's been worth every penny. They are easy to scrub out so no chance for red mite, and are completely fox proof with the heavy duty wire mesh skirt.

      Ours holds 3 or 4 'big girls' or 6 or 7 bantams and it has been the home for every new bird whether bought in at POL or raised as chicks and every poorly bird that we have had.

      It is a great way to keep birds segregated for any reason and when not in use as a 'home' is used as a wet weather shelter with it's rain shield on or in summer as a shadey area with it's sunshade on.

      Money well spent :-)

  5. A big Hello to Ethel Dolly and Enid. I'm sure they will be entertaining us with their stories for many months to come. I hope they have a long and happy life.

    Karen x

  6. Great names for the three chicories :)

  7. Hi I am thrilled that one of my names was chosen but like you I am allergic to goose eggs so thank-you but no thank-you. I really enjoy your blog and fingers crossed for your permanent home in the east,

  8. Oh and now I have re-read and am being ungracious I will send my details through

    1. Not ungracious at all, your gift is on it's way, and is suitable for sensitive skin, just in case you are like me in other ways :-)

  9. Replies
    1. have to know him to love him Lynda, he's a harmless chap, but whatever you do don't borrow his hat!!

    2. John your names were brilliant, but they need to stay together, so they may be used in the future.

      And anyway you don't need a Goose egg ...... you could have some of your own soon if you get the sex right!!

  10. I Love Lucy! Im definitely getting one like her and will name her in honour of Little Lucy. How beautiful.

  11. She was gorgeous wasn't she, our Poppy and Daisy are her daughters, their dad was the brave Caldwell the First.

    In my opinion they are the nicest of birds to have, happy and docile, clean and friendly, what more could you want.

  12. Isn't life funny, that they choose their own names :)

    And great names they are too.

    Thanks for this lovely idea Sue, we love that you've included us.


    Sft x

  13. Simply perfect! Didn't catch yesterday's post, but those names are inspired and I'm sure the ladies themselves will heartily approve.

  14. Aw. And their names all bring something to my mind . Ethel , of course I also think of Lucy, Dolly I think of Dolly Parton ( Dolly will be a full brested chicken ) and Enid I think of Lilly Tomlin's funny character that use to the operator that would say "one ringy dingy" Yes my mind tends to wander LOL Great names none the less !

  15. Perfect names for the chookies. :)


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