Friday 22 June 2018

The Net Tunnel - June 2018

The Net Tunnel June 2018

Fully planted.

To the left from front to back -

Baby trees in pots (just visible)

Red Onions

In tyres - Courgette/Leeks/Carrots

In front of tyres - Two Aricula Primulas


Two Cucumber plants

In front of courgette and cucumbers - Lavender (Hidcote)

Strawberry Bed

To the right from front to back -

Pots and tubs of Potatoes

Ox -Eye Daises


White Onions


 In the centre -

Bath containing Carrots

3 Blueberry Bushes

To the left of the front doors -

Tyres containing a Courgette plant

... with a supervisory Pug looking on

To the right of the doors -

Tyres containing two Cucumber plants

Opposite both Tunnels - 

Red Currant bushes

Sue xx


  1. Looking good Sue. We past your place several times 2 weeks ago and noticed how good everything was looking.
    Kim & David in Birmingham

  2. Looks fantastic Sue and love the bathtub planter.

  3. So much wonderful food there. It looks great, thanks for the update.

  4. I too like the carrot bath - we can't grow carrots as our loam soil is too heavy - I tried once and only had one carrot that we could eat - had to share it amongst the four of us too! The 'bath' method might work - shame the insurance company put ours in the skip when we had the flood at the cottage!.
    Nice to see how you are getting along though...miss you.

    1. Oooh what a waste, I would have hoicked it right back out again.

      They are easy to pick up though, ask a friendly plumber who's putting in a new bathroom for somebody ... that's what we did and now I've got three 😊

      I've also got a planted up toilet from when Alan changed ours 🤣

  5. Looks fantastic and all the hard work will pay off when you get to eat all the lovely fresh food xx

  6. Boy, have you been busy! Looking good!

  7. Just can't stop yourself can you!

    1. This was meant just as a record for us ... I didn't think anyone would notice 🤣🤣

  8. So thrilled to see this post, it's just made my day. You have been working so hard, all looking lovely, nothing better than home grown veg & fruit. Thank you so much for posting.

  9. It all looks so wonderful! You will enjoy many delicious and healthy meals from this. How good it is to see you and a little peak at Suky too! I've missed you and your lovely pets.

  10. God to see you are still working your magic.

  11. So happy to see your blog pop up !
    Everything looks so happy.

    cheers, parsnip

  12. Looks all very well thought out. I like the bath. I have an antique claw foot tub I could do something similar.

    1. That would look amazing ... mine is propped up with two lengths of wood!!

  13. It all looks so healthy and thriving. It must be the pug supervision :)

  14. Glad to see you. I really miss your writing.

  15. An amazing transformation from when you first posted photos of your new place in Wales.
    So glad to see this year's planting.
    What are your small trees?
    Take care, Sue xx

    1. The baby trees, if that's the ones you mean, are Oak and Ash. We find little seedlings sprouting where squirrels have left a stash of nuts or seeds buried and forgotten about them, we transplant them into pots ready to replenish our woodland.

    2. Thanks Sue, that answers my question.
      Did you really think you could get away with no one noticing a post?
      Every so often, about once a week, I look hopefully in case you've relented and started blogging again.

  16. It's all looking good. Your hard work is paying off :-) xxx

  17. Nice work! Very well done indeed

  18. What a pleasure to see your blog pop up in Bloglovin, I stopped what I was doing to read. I also pass your lovely home from time to time and try to get a quick glance of the garden from the car but a view inside the net tunnel is a treat. Thanks for sharing

  19. Gosh, you must be working very hard as it all looks so neat and tidy! Glad to see a post from you.

  20. It looks so wonderful and summery, compared to the depth of winter here in Australia. It's lovely to see you posting again.


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