Thursday, 27 April 2017

Spring Onions

I had a very out of date packet of Spring Onion seeds in my large seed drawer, so I decided to go mad and sprinkle them all into a tray of compost.  As you can see they virtually all came up!!

And as you can barely see ..... a third of the tray took up the front of this bed in the polytunnel. 

The pots at the back have been put in place ready for the tomato plants which are now coming on in leaps and bounds ... phew!!  It's the time of year when you go to the garden centre for a look round and see all their plants looking HUGE and healthy and think wonderingly back to your sad tiny specimens at home and go and drown your sorrows in the coffee shop, well I do :-)

You have to force yourself to remember that theirs are all brought on in heated light filled greenhouses, while ours put up with the conditions we grow them in, whatever they are.  In the case of my plants it's an unheated polytunnel, by a busy main road at the bottom of a windy Welsh hill.

Eventually the weather will warm up (and hopefully stay warm) and we'll all be fine.  Now it's back to planting the rest of the spring onions for me.

Sue xx


  1. Am so happy to see you are back in the saddle on blogland as so love your blog

  2. Really enjoying reading your blog again. Your spring onions look amazing and it's something I've never had much success with. Tried them straight in the ground, pots and the greenhouse but nothing :(

  3. It is still bitterly cold here in N Yorkshire. I am going out for the day tomorrow and unless it changes dramatically overnight I intend to go in my winter coat.

  4. hundreds of the buggars ,
    You will be planting all day

  5. Isn't it the way - you need a few, so get a gazillion, but at least it wasn't something like marrows!! Spring onions are so useful, Im sure you'll enjoy them - once you get over getting them all planted out! We are just heading into winter down here, so the photos of the pastries you made looked appetising - I feel a large pot of stew is in the weekend's plans. Boys' Toys do tend to be large (and noisy) don't they!!

  6. Sounds familiar. I don't often comment but do love your blog.

  7. I am so hoping that it warms up very soon. I am looking forward to planting the garden and getting some flowers and herbs out in pots.

    God bless.

  8. Happy Gardening to you, they look nice.


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