Friday 19 December 2014

P333 for the Kitchen

The Capsule Kitchen Challenge: 3 months 33 ingredients

I don't know about you but I love it when something captures my imagination and plays on my mind.  The other day I spotted this, a P333 for the kitchen.  Once again Courtney Carver has come up with something, so simple and yet that has the potential to be life changing.

See her posts HERE and HERE on her Project 333 Blog for much more inspiring information about this, thank goodness she is always on my sidebar, I would have hated to miss this.  

In a nutshell .... you choose 33 foods that you will eat (in any combination) for 3 months.  Then you can re-evaluate or move on with the seasons and vary your 33 items if you want to.  It means your cupboards will be streamlined, your shopping simplified and  you can get your health or diet on track by only including the foods you feel you should, or want to eat.  Anything that you use a tablespoon or less of ie. salt, pepper herbs, spices and oil you do not have to include in the 33 chosen items.  I can't wait to read about her thirty three ingredients.  I have yet to make a list, I've been dashing here there and everywhere today,  but in a quiet moment I will sit down pen and paper in hand and see for myself if this would work for me.

Maybe it's the cupboard being full of Christmas treats for us, our family and friends, maybe it's the fact that my freezers are both full to capacity ... well there have been so many meaty yellow stickered bargains to be had recently in the supermarkets I would have been mad not to buy them, as they'll last Lovely Hubby well into the new year and save us a fortune in the long run .... or maybe it's just that I am still on my quest for simplicity, but whatever the reason this really appeals to me.

Our Christmas starts tonight. 

 Lovely Hubby will be on his way home for the Christmas holidays in a few hours.  We still have things to do but we have already decided that we are going to make the most of these dark, cosy evenings to down tools at dusk, stop the household chores and once the chickens are tucked up for the night and the dogs have had a final walk around the paddock, the lamps will be lit, the games will be out and Christmas films will be on the television.  For now there is wine chilling in the fridge and nibbles waiting alongside it ... we might as well start as we mean to go on :-)

Advent Challenge - Day 19

A few bits and pieces that were in the cutlery drawer.  Maybe they will be of more use to someone else, I hope so.

Sue xx


  1. I really like this idea. I use the same ingredients for a lot of dishes anyway, and like to mix and match ingredients so we don't waste anything. I'm going to have a think about this and see what happens.

    1. It does need thinking about I agree. I guess as with P333 for clothes you can alter the basic rules to suit yourself to some extent and still feel the benefit of the Challenge.

  2. I shall have to think this through very carefully - but it sounds like a good idea. The first 3 weeks of the year will involve eating up as much as possible of the freezer foods/ tins/jars/spices/dried goods so that I have as little as possible to move to Dorset [where kitchen storage space is much smaller than here]. Just popped ALL my popcorn kernels to serve at tonight's party. Like you I am a sucker for yellowsticker bargains. thanks for this post- Advent blessings!

    1. Just popped ALL your popcorn, sounds like my idea of heaven. For some reason I LOVE, love, love using up the last of something :-)

  3. I work tomorrow and then have 10 days off, all to be dedicated to movies and chocolate.

    1. Sounds like my idea of Christmas .... enjoy :-)

  4. I like spreading Christmas out over weeks instead of cramming it all into one day. Enjoy!

  5. Isn't it fun to celebrate Christmas for a long time? I start right after Thanksgiving, buying for the Food Pantry, looking for special items for special people, and shopping for family. I love it!


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