Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I'm back......

I'm back.  When I got up on Thursday morning I was all set for my Thrifty Thursday blog post, all set to read your wonderful blog posts and generally get everything up to date before vanishing up to Scotland to spend some time with my lovely Mum in law Jessie......

...but the computer decided to be poorly with a nasty virus.

So we had to shoot off up the road with no Blogging, no checking of my emails and generally just feeling as though I'd left everyone in the lurch.

It's lovely to be back now, the farm has been safe and secure in the hands of my Mum and Dad, who as I type are winging their way back up the motorway to home......THANK YOU to you both for looking after our animals, our many feathered friends and for keeping nasty Mr Fox at bay with the help of Rosy the dog.

Now, unfortunately,  although Lovely Hubby managed to anti-virus the computer up to the gills and return us to normal service I am the one with a virus and feel as though I have been run over with a steam roller, so it's a quiet day for me and I'll be back tomorrow when hopefully normal service will have resumed.

Thanks for all the emails and comments of concern at my absence, and thanks to the lovely Bloggers who have awarded me the Versatile Blogging Award, I seem to have acquired 3 in my absence!    But are there really any secrets that you don't know about me?  If you think they are I will attempt it, but I honestly can't think of anythng with this fuzzy head I seem to have on my shoulders at the moment.

* Jessie's Jam went down a storm with both Jessie, us greedy visitors, and with the nurses.  A batch of homemade scones was taken to the hospital to help us sample the lovely stuff, and I must say it was very tasty.  So thank you to Grannys Jam Pan you still know how to work your magic.

Sue xx


  1. Hope it is a very short-lived virus Sue, but take it easy while you can. Off to make some apple crumbles - inspired by you yet again!
    P xx

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon lovely. Glad the jam went down well xxxx

  3. Its great that you are safely back albeit not on top form...but we can wait.Take care x

  4. Get well soon Sue, you know you are doing something right when you get three awards at once - E cup! show off!!

  5. We want you feeling 100% ... fast! Yesterday I crushed my little lavender sachet between my fingers, releasing more of that incredible fragrance ... it seems to last forever.


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