Monday, 3 October 2011

Car Boot Sale Goodies, a game and a question .......

I had a lovely time yesterday at the Car Boot Sale, something I've not done as a buyer at all this year.  I bought quite a few things, but nothing that didn't fit in with our ethos.  As well as the haul above I got myself three shirts, 2 check ones, one from M&S and one F&F as well as a new blue Monsoon one ....all for 50p each !!

So my purchases in the photo above are ...... a signed copy of  Country Notes by Ian Nialls, lovely reading for a dark winters night - £1.50, Beachcomber Cottage by Monty Halls (the story of the TV series) - 20p, a crime novel that Jason might like also cost 20p (if he doesn't it can go into our car boot box for our next sale and we'll sell it for 50p), 1 roll of gingham ribbon and one of lovely cream lace, both full - £1 each, a full dispenser of hand and body lotion - 50p, 5 copies of Homes and Antiques magazine - £1 the lot and a brand new basket for displaying my handmade cards at the Farmers Market - 20p ...bargain of the day.

So a total spend of £7.10, a brilliant morning browsing in the sunshine and chatting to some lovely folk that were sweltering in the 24 degrees that it had reached by 10am (the main reason we chose not to do a sale ourselves), I was home by 11am with my goodies and more than ready for a cold drink in the cool of the house.


A game..... the odd one out ?

Yes, that's Archie the cat sat under the old apple tree this morning in Chicken World.  I'm not sure why ....  he doesn't chase the chickens, he pretends to ....  mock pounce and all that, but he's never once tried to catch one in all the time we've had them. It could be something to do with being chased by a similar sized, very angry cock pheasant the week before we got our girls !


And, finally a question ...

This morning I discovered a 'new to me' Blog.  It's fascinating and so well written and it made me stop and think.  We all do the rounds reading our favourite Blogs day after day, not really having the time to trawl around for new ones or even having the time to dip into others sidebar lists of favourite Blogs.  Would you enjoy a peek into some of my favourite Blogs if I were to highlight one each week that I recommend as extremely good reading?  If there are a few yes's I will start this week, if you would rather find them for yourselves I will abandon the idea.

It's over to you.......

Sue xx


  1. That would be great Sue,I have stumbled upon some great blogs this way, and if I could blog as well as you that is what ide do! Thankyou for your lovely stories and diary of days and occasions in your lovely blog. You brighten up my day and Im sure this applies to many people. Kind regards, Lynda xx

  2. What a lovely comment Lynda - thank you. You really should give your Blog a go, you have quite a few followers just waiting for you to pick up the reins and start properly, me included.

    Sue xx

  3. I just love car-boot man's junk is another man's treasure and all that :) I'm also a confirmed 'dumpster diver' and always scouring the local amenity sites for demi-johns, books or anything else useful. It's amazing what you can find!

  4. I've found most of my favourite blogs by reading the list of other people's favourites and following the links to their favourites'favourites etc, if you see what I mean.

    I hardly ever get to go to a car boot because they always seem to be on a Sunday when I'm at church. The last one I got to, a lady was selling cat dishes for what I thought was 10p each. I picked up 3 and it turned out she wanted 10p for all 3. They were secondhand but my cats didn't mind and nor did my purse : )

  5. Love the photo with Archie, what a cutie.
    I think the idea with other blogs is great, i do often find I get stuck reading the same types of blogs, it would be lovely to find some new ones :) xxx

  6. Great bargains Sue, I think it would be a great idea to highlight your fave blogs:) Cant wait,take care,juliex

  7. that would be great, I love finding new blogs and recommendation is by far the best way. lovely bargains btw!

  8. yes, me too. are those beehives in with your chickens?

  9. Yes! It would be lovely to discover some new blogs on recommendation!

  10. Yes please! I don't know how I found your blog but am so glad I did - have been visiting for maybe a month now and always leave much cheerier! Thank you.

  11. Yes, car boots, amazing what you can find, it's not often we buy anything new, although we've even had new stuff from them.

    I think it's a good idea to highlight blogs, if you find them interesting, the chances are so will your readers.

  12. Yes please - I love it wehen someone recommends another blog, and have found many new friends that way!

  13. Aaah, poor Archie, he's either looking for a friend or thinks he'd be a good fox chaser!
    Jane x

  14. Great idea about the blogs showcase Sue. And I've started thinning out my booshelves - inspired by you!
    P xx


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