Monday 5 December 2016

Anniversary, Christmas ... and The End of an Era

It was our ninth wedding anniversary yesterday and we made the celebrations last the entire weekend.

On Friday we took Suky and Mavis to the groomers and whilst they were washed, dried, snipped and titivated and made to look even prettier than they normally are, we treated ourselves to a coffee.  Later on in the evening we went to the cinema to see Allied, a surprisingly good film, even better than the trailer had led us to expect..

On Saturday morning we opened our Sealed Pot and after years of using the money to do various Challenges this year we decided that the money was ours to do with as we wanted.  So we went to the bank to pay the bags and bags of loose change into our account and then hit the shops.  I bought myself a new dress and two pairs of shoes, and Lovely Hubby bought himself a power tool and it's accessories.

We ended Saturday with a meal out, something we have not done that often this year, so it was a treat to put on my new dress and dine at our leisure ...slightly too much wine may have been consumed  ;-)

On Sunday morning after a much more leisurely breakfast than usual we gave the house a good clean  and then put up the Christmas decorations.  We don't go mad, indeed each year we seem to streamline the decorations a little bit more. The ones we didn't use have been bagged up and will be dropped off at the charity shop later today while they still have time to sell them this year.

As you can see from these photos, the little black piggies on the gateposts have got their Christmas finery on too :-)

And this is where I have decided to share our lives for the last time.

Since January 2009 you have journeyed along with us as we moved from town to country.  You've been with us through the trials and tribulations of learning to look after chickens and pigs and as I learnt to grow enough vegetables to feed us and to preserve them in lots of ways to see us through the leaner months of Winter.  You have laughed along with our messy adventures and cried along with our losses ... feathered, furry and family .... you've been true friends in every sense of the word.  But, after much deliberation I think that now is the right time to claim back privacy for ourselves, and to close the gates on our lives in this public domain for the last time.

Thank you for being there, for being you, for the comments, the emails and the visits.  Thank you for following along throughout the last almost eight years.  I will still be around in blogland, and will leave this blog as it stands now for those of you who use it to link to the other blogs on my sidebar, although I will change the photo after this post has been live for a week.  This is not totally the end of my involvement with blogland as I will still drop by and comment on those blogs that I read regularly and follow, and hopefully keep in touch in a more low key way with my blogging buddies.   I hope you all have a wonderfully happy and peaceful Christmas and a calm and happy New Year.

We all have so much to look forward to.

With much love from
Sue and Lovely Hubby xx
Rosy, Suky, Mavis, Ginger
and The Feathered Flock


  1. Oh my gosh ... feel so sad. Isn't it funny how you can get so attached to a "virtual" friend. By that I mean always being able to check in with you to read your blog posts (It becomes a daily habit that is thoroughly enjoyed and I know I, along with many other followers, will feel at a loss, when we can't check in with you and share a bit of your life. THANK YOU for sharing your life and especially for the inspiration you have given. All that remains is for me to wish you and your family all the very best for the future. Have a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2017. Long may your wonderful self sufficient life continue. Very best regards, Louise.

    1. I second all that Louise has said. Good wishes to you and lovely hubby xx

    2. I second or third what Louise and Ellen say, I am almost crying here knowing I will miss your writing. But do wish you all the best and fully understand getting back to some privacy.

    3. OMG Sue, Yours was one of the first blogs that I started to follow and read loyally. So much has happened since. I understand you wishing for privacy and totally respect that. I will truly miss your reads and adventures of your beasties, esp. Suki and Mavis who I have fallen in love with from afar - knowing how she came to you x I know you will still be around in blogland, but take care my friend and enjoy life as it comes.

  2. Sue , I have been a fan and lurker as opposed to contributor for a few years. Sorry to see you go but I understand. I will go back and read the years I missed and wish you and your husband all the best! Thanks for the memories!

  3. Goodbye Sue and thank you. I will miss sharing your adventures! Good luck for the future. Mx

  4. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
    I will miss your posts.
    Good luck and much happiness to you both!

  5. Oh Sue, I'm happy for you, but sad for me. Another loss this year (since losing our country to Trump). I wish you and lovely hubby a long life, lots of fun and, most of all, love. Good bye.

  6. Hi Sue - Well, that is very disappointing and unexpected. I wish you and all of yours all the very best. Know that you will be missed. Good bye!!

  7. Thank you for sharing your interesting life. I am sad you are going but understand your reasons. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Bev

  8. Hi Sue. I've loved reading your blog over the last few years. Being a Britt transplanted in the US its reminded me so much of home. You have been such an inspiration to get back into the garden. I wish you and you family well for the future. You will me very much missed.

  9. Sue, you and your family will be much missed x thank you for adding to my life for the last few years x

  10. Your daily musings will be sadly missed.You have given me the confidence to grow make and bake my way to a much happier life.Good luck to your future adventures.

  11. Thanks for years of entertainment, and for allowing us a glimpse of your life. You will be missed. All the best to you and LH and your menagerie.

  12. Oh Sue that was unexpected! Yours was my first introduction to blog land and I will miss you. It feels like losing a friend! But that is just me being selfish. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your time and your adventures with us all. I wish you joy and love for the future, and Happy Anniversary!

  13. Best wishes. I was late to blog reading but have enjoyed reading yours a lot. All the best for 2017.

  14. I have enjoyed reading your blog so much. You have shared so much of your journey and been very honest and open. All the best.

  15. I had a feeling when I read the title of your post. So sad to see you go as I’ve found your blog a lovely, interesting and amusing read, and I will miss visiting it. I hope you , hubby, pooches and all the critters have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, prosperous future.

  16. I only found you last year and so enjoyed reading through the back history of posts and then following the updates ever since. Thank you for sharing the ups and downs of your daily life. I wish you all the best for the future. X

  17. You must always do what is best for you and yours but I wonder if running the two blogs became a bit of a chore. Glad you are still going to be popping in to read blogs tjough.

  18. I heartily agree with all of the other comments. You have been an inspiration and I have LOVED reading all your posts. Congratulations for your wedding anniversary and may you all continue to have a happy, healthy and satisfying life. Thanks for the memories. Love Andie xxx

  19. Yes to all the above
    Thank you for so many challenging, amusing, moving, sidesplitting, informative, uplifting, encouraging posts...please don't disappear completely.
    And have fun with power tools and new frock [though probably not at same time] Blessed Christmas, Glorious New Year to you both xxx

  20. Sue, I've enjoyed reading your blogs. It's been a bright spot to look forward each day. You have introduced me to so many other blogs and ideas, that it's enlarged my horizons and ideas. Have a lovely time snuggled just below Firs. Nadolig Llawen

  21. I will miss you and the four and two legged friends so much. Take care and be happy and healthy xx

  22. I am so pleased for you and sorry for us. You deserve a happy private future but we will miss you so much. I have read your blog for so many years and learnt a lot of things. We especially loved how you took in/re-found/cared for lovely little Mavis, and were heartbroken over your dear Charlie. All the work you and L.H have done to your property has been eagerly followed and lots of tips learned about building work etc.
    Rest assured you will be so very much missed by us here in North Wales.
    Wendy (Wales)

  23. I will miss your posts.
    Thank you
    Joy x

  24. What a shock. But thank you for a glimpse into your daily life as you achieved your dream. All best wishes for the future.

  25. Oh my, I am going to miss you so much. I hope, over time, that you will update once in a while, it's hard to imagine not knowing how you're doing. And how I'll miss seeing little Mavis, she stole my heart with her lovely little face. Best wishes to you all. Your contentment with life was always an inspiration to me; I've learned a lot from you, Sue. Thanks. Good luck, good bye and good things to come. DD

  26. When you posted a few weeks ago that you couldn't think of anything to write, I did think that you would be taking a break, but not that you were going to say farewell. Like others I am sorry as I shall miss your daily posts, but I know that you will still be enjoying your Welsh smallholding and all that it entails and it won't be too long before Lovely Hubby retires and you will carry on working side by side. Have a fabulous retirement together and I wish you both a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.

    Joan (Wales)

  27. Oh dear, I will miss meeting with you each day.

  28. I don't often leave a comment but have enjoyed reading your blog over the past couple of years. Thank you for an insight on a very different way of life.
    Wishing you all the very best, not just for Christmas and the New Year, but for the future too.

  29. I will miss popping into your way of life, Thank you for letting me. All the best.x

  30. I feel teary. I read both your blogs (this and your challenge one) everyday. You've been an inspiration. I'm sad you wont be writing again but I understand time for your privacy. Enjoy every minute. Take Care.

    Ps Thanks for keeping blogland interesting and real :D

  31. oh, I am so going to miss this blog and your writing. I have really learned a lot about life in your part of the world. I don't think there's another blog quite like this one. Any chance you'd reconsider??

  32. I've read your blog from the beginning and will really, really miss your updates. Was so looking forward to reading about the plans you have hinted at for the future. I hope, as others have suggested, that you may do an update once in awhile. Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and everything you hope for in the New Year. You will definitely be missed!

  33. What an absolutely delightful way to spend your anniversary. Congratulations, love the black piggies.

  34. I'm going to miss your posts and challenges, but I too along with many others wish you lot's of love,happiness and many thanks for your insightful journey into your self sufficient world, Take Care xxx

  35. Thank you Sue for being a virtual presence, even if I have not commented so often, I have continued to follow your story. It has been a great pleasure to have been allowed to peek into your life and all the changes and progressions you have made over the past years. You are an inspiration and I wish you and your family all the very very best for the future.
    Best wishes from Sarah and George Doggins xx
    ps, you never know, I may even start up my blog again one day

  36. A big thank you and best wishes from Dublin!

  37. I shall missing reading both your blogs Sue and I will miss Mavis who I have a particular soft spot for. All the best to you and Lovely Hubby x

  38. I have really enjoyed reading your posts and will miss them, but best wishes and good luck to you and hubby.

  39. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to read it! Loved your vegetables!

  40. I so looked forward to your posts and pictures. You will be be missed, as will your critters.

  41. I have enjoyed reading your blog so much! Best wishes to you, your hubs and all the furred and feathered gang x

  42. Will miss you! Best wishes to you all.

  43. Sad to see you go Sue. Thank you for sharing your life with us for the past eight years.

  44. I think I have followed you and your adventures for most of those 8yrs!! I may not comment very often but I have enjoyed your journey, I have laughed, cried and sometimes just thought - wow!!! So will miss you very much but sending love and best wishes to you and all the others, both 2 and 4 legged!!! All the best! X

  45. Sad to see you go. I have very much enjoyed reading about your veg growing, animal antics and home improvements. No doubt I will return to your blog from the to time to look back on all the useful hints and tips contained within it.
    Good luck with everything you do next and many thanks for letting us share your journey x

  46. Farewell to a lovely bloggy lady and your family. I will miss your posts tremendously but wish you all the very, very best for 2017 and beyond.

  47. Will miss your lovely blog, but you must do what is right for you and lovely hubby, thank you for sharing with us/ Peace and blessings to all of you. xx

  48. I shall really miss your blog too. Mavis, Suky and Rosy have all won their places in my heart through your writing. I've never been a fan of either cats or chickens but I've even learnt to look forward to hearing about Ginger and your girls. Thank you. Hope to see you elsewhere in Blogland.

  49. Well, Goodness me, this was a bolt from the blue. I thought you would be carrying on with blogging about all your plans coming to fruition once your LH retires.
    I enjoyed all your poly tunnel and garden news, made missing mine not so bad.
    However, I hope things go well for you and all you do in the future,
    Take Care of yourselves and those animals

  50. Well that's a surprise. Thank you for all the time you have put in to make your blog a big success. Lots of love to you both and all your lovely pets, especially my favourite, Mavis.

  51. Thanks for a great blog, all the best for 2017 & beyond.

  52. I shall miss you, yours was the first blog I found and I have loved following your adventures. Wishing you both all the very best enjoy your life you.

  53. Awww, that was a bit of a surprise although I fully understand your reasons. Thank you for sharing your life with us and inspiring us to do better. You will be missed!! Looking forward to seeing you comment on my favourite blogs xxx

  54. Wow - I was surprised to read your news. Your blog and Sue's in Suffolk are the main 2 I read all the time (and use both of your sidebars to read other blogs/ find new ones to read!) I wish you, LH and all the animals a lovely Christmas and New Year and all the best for the future :)

  55. Wow, what a shock!, love reading your blog and the updates about all your animals. Please give us an update every so often, to let us know how things are going and how the animals are.

  56. So sorry to see you go, I have really enjoyed reading you blog over the years. Have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year.

  57. Thank you for all you have shared with us as you built your new life. Good luck as you go forward and get on with your lives privately. Slainte. Catriona

  58. I hadn't realised how much I could be upset by the idea of never catching up again with someone I've never met!
    You have shared so much and taught me so many things, challenged my way of thinking and I have particularly enjoyed following this year's challenge. Thank you.
    I will miss you and wonder how life is treating you both. I wish you a happy and contented life ahead. Sue

  59. Oh no!! Please reconsider. :(

  60. I shall miss dipping into the tales of your life. Through the years of reading your blog you have been tremendously helpful and inspiring. I will be sad to see you go but I want to wish you every happiness for the future.


  61. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us. I have learned so many interesting things from reading along over the last 8 years. Wishing you a happy, healthy and productive retirement and I will continue to give a little virtual wave to you when we drive past your home on our visits to the area. Ali from Shropshire. xx

  62. So sad to read that you will not be blogging anymore.
    All best wishes for Christmas, the new year and beyond-x-

  63. I am sat here reading this with tears in my eyes. Sorry to see you go, you have been inspirational. Love and best wishes to you all.

  64. I do feel quite teary as well, i feel you are a good friend, I have learn't a lot from you, best wishes for the future.
    Marlene xx

  65. I feel quite teary! Your blog has been an inspiration! You've taught me so much. It's been a pleasure being part of your life! PLEASE, PLEASE update us as to how things are going. All good wishes for the future. x

  66. I've only discovered your blog at the beginning of this year and have thoroughly enjoyed following your life in the country. I'll miss your regular updates. All the very best to the two of you in the future.

  67. What a shock here too but I wish you the very best and send a belated anniversary wish for a wonderful year ahead. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us.

    PS I love the piggies xx

  68. I have enjoyed your blog so much and am sorry to see you go. Wishing you all the best!

  69. Sorry to read this Sue. I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few years and think of you everytime I use my Homemade Cleaning Spray!, as mentioned by you on your other blog. Best wishes to you and Lovely Hubby now and in the future.
    Frances SW

  70. Goodness that was a shock. Take care, I hope you enjoy your privacy and your continued almost self sufficient life in Wales.

  71. I am so sad to see you go! I have enjoyed your blog from my home in Texas. You will be missed. Sending Blessings your way!

  72. You have taught me so much and introduced me to blogs I wouldn't have come across otherwise. A big thank you and hope to hear from you on other blogs. All the best for the future. Claire xo

  73. I only discovered your blog in the last 12 months and have enjoyed reading along (and your side blog too!). Totally respect your desire to have some privacy but I am going to miss reading along.

    On the plus side I've got a lot of previous years posts to catch up on! :)

  74. Will really miss your blog. Good luck

  75. Wishing you all the best for the future Sue, I'll really miss you xx

  76. I'm truly sorry to see you go. It's a difficult thing to admit, but many of us are disabled or housebound for one reason or another and it's been a joy to vicariously be part of your adventures, so thank you. Blessings to you and your family

  77. Will miss your adventures. All best wishes Ali x

  78. So sorry to lose your blog, I love reading it but can understand your reasons. Thank you.

  79. So sorry you are going, thank you for sharing,I will miss you!

  80. Very mixed emotions here... You, hubby, & your family-furry, feathered, & human- have given me so much joy and adventure all these years. I check for your newest post right after I've looked at my emails.
    You all will not be forgotten...
    All the best to you & your darling hubby.
    And many kisseys, hugs, and pets to Mavis & Rosy & Ginger & especially Suky !!
    Thank you for your hospitality~

  81. Thank you for your most enjoyable blog. Lovely to have been able to share your stories. Good Luck, will miss you. Jan Butcherx.

  82. Although I was very sad reading your post today, I have to say it's been wonderful tagging along on your amazing journey. Thank you Sue, Lovely Hubby and all your fur babies for letting us share your day to day life:) You both have a heart of gold, beautiful souls. Blessing always♥ Sending very best wishes for a wonderful Christmas, may 2017 be a magical year for you all. Love Linda xxx

  83. Best wishes, have fun! I left a comment over on your other blog too, but wanted to say that I love the gatepost piggies, too cute!!!

  84. I will miss your posts. It was a pleasure to meet you last year and to meet Mavis & co. Enjoy your life together, you have worked so hard for it all. Take care. xxx

  85. Sometimes a person needs to draw back. I will miss reading your posts. Don't always comment, but I do always read. May your life be as full of joy as the joy you have given to all your readers.

    God bless.

  86. I will miss you, lovely hubby and friends so much. I looked forward every day to reading your hopes, challenges and adventures. Loved that you chose Wales for your forever place. Our choice was between mid Wales and central France. Good luck for the future and your time together living out your dream.
    Helen in France

  87. Thank you Sue, and Lovely hubby. I have learnt so much following your blog - and been challenged to be more frugal myself, and to recycle more. May 2017 bring you happiness, new adventures and challenges. I'll miss the dogs antics and stories of the farm too. Go well

  88. Thanks Sue. Its my first time commenting and on your last post, at that. I'll miss the gang and I sure enjoyed your journey over the last few years. All the best and only good fortune. Thank you for sharing the adventure.
    Jane inOntario,Canada

  89. I am so sorry to hear this. We have never met but I feel I'm losing a friend. Your blogs have been a real inspiration and I have loved reading about your new life in the country.
    Sending best wishes to you Sue, Hubby, Suky, Rosie, Mavis and Ginger. Love Sue xx

  90. I've only just recently discovered your blog and am so sad to have to say goodbye so soon! Thank you for sharing your new life in the country and your adventures. And thank you for sharing your Brandy Pears reciped - had all the ingredients in the cupboard except the pears. Bought them the next day, followed your detailed directions and photos to make a batch -- and they are delicious! Will think of you every time I look at one of the remaining jars or the recipe page. Best wishes to you, Sue, and Lovely Hubby for a Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year, and for the years ahead. Diane in (West) Michigan, USA.

  91. I too have only just started to read your blog and have enjoyed your adventures.

    cheers, parsnip

  92. I am sorry to hear you are ready to pack in your blog, but this must mean that you are moving on to even better things! I have enjoyed reading about your part of the world. All the best! -Jenn

  93. Sadly the end of an era. You and your world will be much missed. Wishing you and your lovely family all the very best for the future. Farewell, Jane xxx

  94. I'm so sad to read this. :/ Hoping it turns out to be a temporary glitch in the blogging matrix rather than a permanent retirement. :)

  95. I have enjoyed reading about your life on the other side of the world from me but have never commented before. As so many others have said your daily posts will be sadly missed, but I wish you and LH best wishes for your future plans.

  96. I wish you all the best, whatever the future holds and hope that you have continued health and happiness and a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for wonderful years of reading and learning.

  97. So sad to hear this - I love your blog(s) and have learned so much - thank you for everything and good luck o you both.

  98. I will miss you a lot Sue, I have so enjoyed catching up with your news everyday.
    Yours was one of the first blogs I read. I have followed your journey and appreciated the time and energy you have put forth to write your blog.
    You have taught me a lot and inspired me and I thank you for everything.
    It is so sad to say goodbye, I am a Brit, now living in Texas and and you have given me a real sense of home.
    I wish you and your hubby much love and happiness this Christmas and always.
    I will look out for your comments on other blogs, perhaps we can keep in touch with you that way.
    Pam in TX.xx

  99. I too will miss you heaps. Yours is the first blog I visit each day - A year without is the second. You are an inspiration.
    With love from New Zealand

  100. Oh NO!!!!!!!! I will sooooooo miss my daily visit here and to see the pics of the lovely puppies (especially little Mavis who I was so pleased ended up on your doorstep and was taken in a loved and lost and found and loved again). All the best to you and lovely hubbie and please do reconsider posting maybe every blue moon just to let your loyal followers hear a bit of news........

  101. Sue would you consider a blog not about personal things but more a hints and tips on recycling reusing growing food making your own compost decluttering etc....a helpful blog.

    Understand you want your privacy and respect that but your a wealth of information and I just love reading your blog daily. I will miss you and your fab ideas


  102. Sorry to see you go Sue. I don't usually comment but have really enjoyed reading about your life and how you have coped.
    Good luck for the future to you and "lovely hubby"
    Hazel c uk

  103. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary & all you have achieved with your new life in the country.
    You have been an inspiration to so many. I've loved popping over to visit & thank you for your help when I had my hens.
    I'm glad you spoilt yourself a little & had a lovely evening out.
    Good luck xxxx

  104. Sorry to see you go Sue, as are all those other folks, and it seems like we've known each other for ages, although it's only been a short time. I'll look forward to seeing you comment on other blogs as a way of keeping in touch. Cheers, happy festive season to you and Lovely Hubby. XX

  105. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I am sad to see you go but thank you so much for sharing with us your day to day life with all it's ups and downs. All the very best for the future and have a very Merry Christmas. X

  106. Sue thank you so much for sharing your life with us for the past 8 years. I know I for one have really enjoyed reading your fabulous blog, as have many others. Your lovely blog will be sadly missed.

    Wishing you and lovely hubby a magical Christmas and every happiness for the future.

    Love and lipstick
    Trayci x x

  107. This feels like coming to the end of a great book you don't want to put down! I have loved reading about your adventures, the funny bits and those more thought provoking. Have picked up some great tips on the way, but like a good book, I will be able to pick it up and read it again whenever I feel the need! Happy belated anniversary and good luck in all you do in the future. You both have my utmost admiration for your determination and hard work and you deserve nothing but the best. Thank you for sharing with us, even though at times you made me feel quite lazy and inadequate, you also inspired me to be more thrifty. You will be missed. Merry Christmas and a very good 2017. Xx

  108. I don't comment very often on people's blogs but wanted you to know that I enjoyed reading yours and was saddened to read that you are ending it. I have loved reading about chickenland, the dogs etc ...will miss it. Have a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2017.

  109. Well, and I thought you were teasing with your headline. Gosh, I'm going to miss you. It is your blog I turn to first when having a little read of blogs
    Best of luck with your continuing adventures and the new chapter when lovely hubby retires, not that either of you will have your feet up with all the work at the small holding
    Know that many will many will miss you, loads xxx

  110. Oh my gracious Sue, it really is the end of an era! I've enjoyed your blog posts so much and learnt a lot since first stumbling over your blog when I did Live Below the Line. I've admired your dedication this year at keeping two blogs updated daily. Entirely respect your decision to take a step back from the public sphere, but you will be much missed, and I'm sure not just in this corner of Suffolk! Hope you and your loved ones are all OK.

  111. Thank you Sue, from across the world, for sharing your life with us. Through your blog I have managed to keep in touch with that part of Wales which has a special place in my family's hearts.
    Wishing you and hubby a happy and healthy future.

  112. it's been wonderful reading your blog & the antics of the animals always put a smile on ones face.
    wishing you all the best for your new adventures to come.
    i hope that there will be the occasional post to let us all know you are well & thriving (once or twice a year?)
    you all will be missed
    love those cristmasy piggies, very cute
    hope you have a very merry xmas & a great new year!
    thanx for sharing your life with us

  113. I'm sorry for myself,my morning coffee tasted so much better, while I was reading 'the blogs' .I am glad that you gave us a warning, now I don't have worry about you unlike Hippo. I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful holiday, and hoping that you have a blessed life. Thank you for giving me a taste of Wales.

  114. A very merry Christmas to you. Wishing you all the very best for 2017 and beyond. I'm sad you are stopping blogging, but, I absolutely, totally and utterly understand. x

  115. Sorry to see you go. You were there when i blogged years ago and still here. Loved to read your blog.

    Good luck to you both in future

  116. Sorry to see you go. You were there when i blogged years ago and still here. Loved to read your blog.

    Good luck to you both in future

  117. So sad, you added a brightness to my day and I will miss your lovely slice of life.

  118. So sad, you added a brightness to my day and I will miss your lovely slice of life.

  119. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. I have enjoyed your posts very much. You will be missed. Have a wonderful life and give the furry and feathery ones a hello and goodbye from the States.

  120. Still here, still reading, still enjoying

  121. I have so enjoyed reading your blogs. I've been reading for most of your blogging life and commenting occasionally. I shall miss you sharing your life with us and wish you all the best in the future : )

  122. Dear Sue and Lovely Hubby and all the rest,
    I think I've been a blog reader for 5 or 6 years and I have thoroughly enjoyed your writings and challenges; your life is so interesting to me as I live in a condo in Florida, about as far way from Wales as you can get, lifestyle-wise. I understand the decision to be more private, just wanted to say that I will truly miss reading about your daily life (if that doesn't sound too weird!!) Good luck, good wishes and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and safe New Years!

  123. Dear Sue
    I came upon your blog about 2-3 years ago and have read all the back story and kept up on a daily basis, never commented before. It's been great fun reading all your adventures, especially when the piggies were around although I guess being up to your knees in mud wasn't fun at the time. Although I have never had pets I can't bear animal cruelty and your telling of wee Mavis's story was heartbreaking but so glad she had you to pull out all the stops to give her a safe, happy home.
    I will miss this and your other blog, you are so generous with your time and knowledge, and have done brilliantly with all your challenges. you also led me to John Gray, oh boy he is such fun too, but in a different way!
    Wishing you and LH, and all the animals, a long and happy retirement together.Thanks for everything x

  124. Hi Sue..having read your blog and being totally inspired by you and your lovely hubby,i am so sorry to see you go. The girls and i will miss reading you and seeing your amazing pictures.We all wish you and your hubby well for the future and hope that your dreams and ideas for your lovely home come true.
    Your an inspiring woman and over the years have given me myself a much needed refreshing view of life.
    The generosity you show is amazing and your love for your hubby shines through.
    We will miss the updates on Chicken world and your gorgeous dogs and cat.
    We will especially miss Mavis..such a little cutie and finally in a place where she is getting all the love she deserves..
    You certainly made 2 little girls very happy by naming your chicks after them..they were so excited by that.
    Please look after yourselves and give them doggies and cat a cuddle from us all.
    We wish you all the best and love in the world.
    flowertotmum and flowertot babes

  125. Breaking out of my blog break to wish you well. Take care my friend, I'll miss you xx

  126. Buy and Good Luck. I've enjoyed your posts and learnt much

  127. I think that this means that I have to go and get my own life now rather than watching yours sorry to see that the end of the blog has arrived

  128. Sorry to see you go. I remember when you first commented on my blog after I'd been on the weekend reading from down to earth. That comment was followed by many more from others and it finally felt like I wasn't blogging into silence! I'll miss reading your blog but I hope that you'll still pop over to mine and if you're ever over malvern way then make sure you pop by!

  129. Ah well, keep reading me and see you around. It is a hard thing to stop. I've tried. X

  130. Wow, a surprise but it was very generous spirited of you to share so much of your lives for so many years. My own brother took early retirement and moved to North Wales earlier this year so who knows pur paths may cross again in the real World. In the meantime best wishes for your future life! Take care!

  131. Thank you for sharing your adventures, the joy and the odd tear too. Your little ray of sunshine will be missed! All the best, Sam

  132. I will truly miss you, your lovely family and your blog! I do understand that sometimes it is simply the time for a change and I truly hope you will enjoy all the wonderful things that life has for you!

    I started reading your blog a year and a half ago although I did not officially "follow" it until recently. I went back to the beginning and read it all I enjoy it so much! I had recently retired when I started reading it and you have given me inspiration and joy daily!

    Thank you Sue for sharing so much with all of us! I wish you all the best!

  133. Quite simply. You. Will. Be. Missed.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs from Texas USA

  134. I'm putting a fiver on your return. Don't let me down!

  135. Really sad to see you go, Sue; like others have said, it'slike losing a friend. But I do understand your wish for privacy now after all these years of sharing your life with so many. I wish you all the very best for the future and hope to 'see' you around, on other blogs and hopefully on an occasional update on this one. Love to you, LH and all those dear pets that we have shared with you over the years.xxxx

  136. Awww. I'll miss you Sue. I have so enjoyed reading your blog and following your challenges. You have been a great inspiration to me. Thank you and best wishes for the future x

  137. So sorry to hear you are going to end your blog. Will miss reading it. Best wishes to you and your family.

  138. Sue, that is a surprise but I fully understand!
    I enjoyed reading you blog and sometimes felt that you shared a lot about your life and therefore understand you wish for more privacy.
    I wish all the best for you and your family!
    Anna from Germany

  139. Thank-you Sue for all the years of your blog. I will miss you! May you and your lovely family have happiness, health and good fortune in the years ahead.

  140. Thank you SO much for sharing your time with the rest of us, Sue! You have made my day more than you will ever know. Great luck for the future.

  141. A sad day. Best of luck for the future.

  142. How I've enjoyed the daily visits to your new life in the country. Thank you so much. Health and happy times to you and your family for Christmas and the years to come. I'll miss you. xx

  143. I keep checking here daily, as I am hoping you have changed your mind. Miss your blog! Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!

  144. This is my second time here and I enjoy reading your post. Belated happy anniversary, Sue!

  145. Sue.... another one here who will miss your gently, informative and interesting blog. I guess it's no good asking if you would blog on a weekly/fortnightly basis? Best wishes to one and all. Regards. CMW

  146. I don't know about Mavis having a huge fan club, I'm sure you will have been surprised by the dismay and sadness the closing of your blog has created.
    It must show you how highly we regard you and how much we value your common sense and useful tips.
    If the closing of either blog was because of trolls be reassured that they pale into insignificance beside us all.
    So many of us keep popping by to see if you'll reconsider! Have a very happy Christmas. Sue

  147. Shock Horror !
    I will miss your blog so much, but I want to thank you nonetheless, for being an inspiration to me.
    Wishing you all the best in the future, a great Christmas and a happy new year. xxx...x

  148. I shall so miss your blog- it was the first one I read every day. Thank you for the time you took out of your life to share your wisdom with us all.

  149. Sue thank you so much for sharing your life with us over the past years, You will be missed. I wish both your husband and yourself best wishes Alana xx

  150. Before you close the possibility to comment, I just wanted to say that I really loved the way you wrote about your life and about the journey towards finding your dream home. It's an inspiration for me, it's my dream as well. Maybe one day I live in a home, surrounded by nature and with my vegetable garden beside the house. Your blog inspires me and you are going te be missed! I want to wish you, your husband and family all the best. (And I'm glad you are keeping the blog online, because I regularly read back for tips and trics).

  151. Hi Sue, I feel such a sadness now that I discovered you won't be on here any more. I've been reading your blog since just this past Summer, and I didn't even get the chance to introduce myself. You are such an inspiration, and I got a kick out of the way you wrote this blog. But I guess all good things must come to end (or not). Thank you for doing such a lovely job here. I wish you, lovely hubby & all your critters the very best. Merry Christmas.

    P.S. Does lovely hubby have a brother?

  152. Loved your blog. Thanks for sharing it. Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  153. Before you close the comments, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Thank you for all the time you put into it, much appreciated.

  154. Hi Sue, My name is Sandy i'm 25yrs old. I came across your blog quite by accident one December about six years ago and I've never stopped reading (although this is the first time i'm leaving a comment). Every day from that December on wards, whether i was at university, home or even years later at work, i made it a ritual to read about your daily activities.. You've been an inspiration for many years. I found your blog/life/travel/daily activities/ even your supermarket shopping very interesting and before i knew it, i was hooked. I'm deeply saddened that you've decided to stop writing but i want to say thank you for the time you've shared with us all. It was truly appreciated. I've learnt so much from you. You will be truly missed. Do have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful new Year. Lots of Love from Guyana.

  155. Hi Sue, just want to add my many many thanks to all the others. I've really enjoyed reading your blogs over the past few years. I've learnt a lot from you, been inspired by you, even stumbled across some other interesting blogs through you. All good wishes to you and yours for the future, especially wishing you every happiness and peace in your special patch of Wales.

  156. I'm really going to miss your sweet dogs! Thanks for sharing, I have learnt so much from you :)

  157. I am realy missing your blog. Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.

  158. Dear Sue, Lovely Hubby and all the animals. Wishing you a lovely christmas and fabulous 2017!

    Love Sol xxx

  159. Merry Christmas Sue, Lovely Hubby and all the furry and feathered ones. Have a wonderful 2017 and beyond. xx

  160. I'll miss your Blog but understand. I wish you and your family the best now and in the future. I'll miss your posts.


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