Tuesday, 16 February 2010

My New Shop

I've just opened my very own little Folksy Shop. Call over for a visit and see some Lavender Lovelies made by my own fair hands.
There's a link in the sidebar too, so you can visit whenever you want.
I would really appreciate if you could call round to give me an opinion of my goodies. Look forward to seeing you there!!
Sue xx


  1. Wishing you much success in your Lavender Shop ... and have fun while you are at it.

  2. Good luck! I love all things lavender...xxx

  3. good luck Sue - I'm popping over now xx

  4. Hi Sue,

    Just had a look at your Folksy shop - it's really pretty.

    I had one thought - the title in the thumbnail (the bit you see before you click on a product for more details) doesn't say that it's a heart AND a card - which is a great deal! So maybe re-titling them A heart & A Card or something would work? But then again you have the word 'scented' there at the mo which is probably good. I don't know. Just a wee thought :-) In an ideal world I'd play around with things like that on Cottontails all the time - in reality I dont have time!!

    Love Charlotte


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