Thursday, 25 February 2010

Music while you work......

This week has seen me mostly doing lots of 'bitty' jobs but today I am back in to the polytunnel to continue with my planting.
I have invested in a wind up radio to keep me company. For one minutes winding, I get 30 minutes of music, it also has a built in torch and a mobile phone charger, so definitely something to take to a desert island.
It is very solitary working in a polytunnel, voices outside and the dogs running around chasing the clucking chickens are all muffled and you start to feel very isolated. But with a bit of music while you work you find yourself, (well I do anyway) jigging around and joining in.
What the folk outside think of my renditions of 'My Way' and 'Bohemian Rhapsody' I have no idea and quite frankly I don't really mind!!
They can laugh all they want....I will continue planting to music, if it helps the plants to grow (as is popularly thought) then so much the better. It keeps me happy.
Reflections on the pond.
(It may look like a puddle but it's 4ft deep and 25ft across!)
Sue xx


  1. I love the idea of planting to music, Sue!
    What fun. And I love to see trays and pots lined up, freshly planted - so much hope and potential.
    I've been collecting seeds to create a cutting garden... just waiting a couple more weeks for some warmer weather.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Denise x

  2. He he you'll soon have the seedlings swaying along to Queen - do you talk to your plants too ? I bet you do !

  3. Reminds me of Barbara from the Good Life talking to her bean plant ;)

    I must start thinking what my little veggie patch is having in it this summer.

  4. Same thing happening here Sue. What else to do in this weather but sow indoors? No singing though, might scare the animals!

  5. Music while you work is good, I am usually found sewing whilst chair dancing - not always a good idea as feet dont always get the message to ease off the pedal and I goes a bit fast!
    Great pictures of the market, I am looking forward to getting back out myself.
    Take care
    Sarah x

  6. Keep singing away! The photo of the reflections in the pond is brilliant. Had to look at it a few times to 'get it'.


    P.S Would love to swap blog links.

  7. You just keep playing music & singing!! I read years ago that plants respond to it, so why wouldn't seeds & seedlings? :-)


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