Tuesday 6 March 2012

Finishing touches......

The finishing touches are being done today and tomorrow, at the moment Lovely Hubby is putting up some shelves in this alcove in the living room....

... and this one in the kitchen.

He's taking full advantage of the lovely sunshine streaming over the patio for some outside work.

Staining the wood for the living room shelves, with the warmth of the sun it was dry in twenty minutes and ready for another coat, it's looking good and closely matching the shelf unit that's on the other side of the fireplace.

The dogs were running around enjoying themselves,  the big black Labrador is from next door and already one of the pack, and he makes himself very at home.  Sophie is delighted she has always had a penchant for large black dogs, she's running round with a big grin on her face....... the little hussy!!  Ollie will no doubt be back every day for his daily dose of  adoration.

Me.......  I've just finished spraying the double oven with a nasty chemically cleaner, it was no good, nothing kind on the environment was going to shift the years of grease and grime encrusted there, so it's been sprayed with two cans of Mr Muscle oven cleaner, just this once, then a wipe down each time we use it will be much better both for the environment and my lungs!!

I'm missing the Aga already with its wonderful self cleaning ability.

Off to see if the wonder chemicals really have shifted the grease, hope you're doing a nicer job at the moment.

Sue xx


  1. The alcoves are going to look very professional when the shelves go in, lucky you to have a DIY hubby! So nice to see it all coming together after all your hard work.

  2. I can't believe how quickly you've got the house ready! Well done to you and lovely hubby :)

  3. That is all looking fab Sue. Glad you have got some decent weather, ours is depressing. Halfway through putting up our fruit cage. Will have to wait now for some of your sunshine.

  4. Everything is looking great already.

    Enjoying the sunshine whilst it lasts here, rain scheduled for tomorrow... :0/

    Martin :0)

  5. Glad you've got that nasty oven under control Sue. Sometimes you just have to do what ya gotta do to get rid of muck! Luckily our mucky job of today has just been cleared by the Council! Blocked drains! Hope you don't get any of those. Have you used the Remoska yet? Looking forward to hearing how you get on. I must get ours on the go again. In the garage at the moment. It is a very useful thing. Ann x

  6. I bless the Rayburn for it's "self-cleaning" ability- just a vacuum out of all the burnt crumbs when we turn it out each year and hey presto!

    ps I do like to see a man working, ESPECIALLY building shelves

  7. where would we be without our men and the trusty Black and Decker workmates?

  8. I just love the picture of the dogs and their new friend...they are going to enjoy living there!
    Jane x

  9. Sue it looks so beautiful there, both what you've done with the house, and the views of and from the garden, I'm quite envious.

    Regards, Sooze

  10. Hello Sue: I'm admiring your new home! Love. Verónica


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